Friend Daniel
theologian, philosopher, teacher
Appears in 5 Episodes
Who is the Best Duo in the Marvel Cinematic Universe? + Special Guest Friend Daniel!
It takes two to make a thing go right, but three of us to cast our votes. This week we're doing another tournament bracket to decide who is the best duo in the MCU!
MCU Aesthetics
In this week's episode the universal friend Daniel joins Jude while Trey is on vacation to discuss the MCU Aesthetic.
What If Leech and Daniel Hosted the Show?
A single edit can change the course of the multitrack reality. Step into this alternate world where Leech and Daniel host MCU Need to Know!
What Lessons Can Marvel Learn From the Disney Plus Shows? + Special Guest Friend Daniel
We're three series into the Disney Plus era of Marvel Studios, and we've teamed up with Friend Daniel to discuss what's working the best!
Falcon and the Winter Soldier Review S1E5: This is Our History + Special Guest Daniel
We're in the penultimate episode of Falcon and the Winter Soldier and it delivered! We're joined by special guest Daniel to help parse through everything it has to offer!
As always, share with a friend
and shout out Nick Sandy