Marvel Studios' Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness | Official Trailer Reactions!
Trey: hello and welcome back to
another episode on MC you need to
know a podcast dedicated to the Marvel
cinematic universe and everything.
You need to know I'm Trey.
Jude: Jude.
Trey: Man.
It it's so funny to me that
we did like a meta episode.
Was it two weeks ago now?
And we talked about being rusty, despite
having been in a continuous schedule.
I, a lot of people probably don't
know this because I've written,
I didn't really put this in.
I, uh, came down with the flu.
And so we haven't recorded in
a week and man, I feel it now.
Jude: I know, I know.
And this week was, it was weird
for me as well, or just from, you
know, president's day, the Monday
off a day off of school for ice.
Like it's like two day school week.
Trey: I need to make this
permanent, this is my new work week.
I'm going to show up for two days on.
Um, so yeah, it's, uh, it's been
an interesting time for sure.
And, and, you know, even outside
of our own personal things we've
been dealing with, uh, I think
it is important to note that.
We are well aware of the major world
events that are happening right
now between Russia and Ukraine.
Uh, and I think it's a bit of
an understatement to say that
is, that is something that is
definitely being felt right now.
So it's just been a heavy week all around.
Jude: Yeah, it's interesting.
Um, the only thing I was gonna,
I was just thinking of, you know,
experiencing, um, more, um, Again,
not that I'm a part of it, but it is
Trey: it's obviously that is
not the subject of our show.
Uh, but there's something
that feels disingenuous at
least not acknowledging it.
Um, but of course, you know, we'll be
here to hopefully provide a little bit
of reprieve and some sort of, uh, You
know, Marvel goodness, and into your week.
So with that being said, if you downloaded
this episode, then you know, we're going
to be discussing our reactions to Dr.
Strange in the multi-verse
of madness trailer.
And again, I mentioned earlier, I caught
the flu the week of the super bowl.
So I just a little quick anecdote, I
was just down and out for the count.
Like I have never felt
a sickness like that.
The one.
Bit of energy I could muster was when
that trailer we came out, I sat up
to watch it and I was like, whoa.
And then immediately
went back down to sleep.
So that's why we're kind of a little
bit late on the reactions because
I couldn't actually record when
it came out, but, uh, we wanted
to get it on the record here for.
Jude: No, no.
I was at a super bowl party and you
sent me the text of the link and I'm
like caught a glimpse of it on the
television at nine, ran to the other
room and watched it on my phone.
Trey: What I love about that for me,
the Genesis of this podcast, like the.
IRL moment.
This podcast started was that a family
gathering and I can't remember what it
was, but you and I stepped aside into
a different room away from everybody
and just started talking about Marvel.
So I love, I love that idea of you being
at a party and just stepping away into
a different room to watch the train
Jude: it's for the pod.
I got to do it.
Trey: Well, uh, a couple of things I
want to note before we actually jump
into the episode, we are going to
bring back to the spoiler zone, uh,
because I don't think we can get through
this discussion without referencing.
Spider-Man no way home.
Um, which leads me to my next point.
Uh, again, still no spoilers yet,
but for those who have, you know,
certain words blocked or may not be
in the know, uh, we wanted to let
people know that you will be able to.
Spider-Man no way home digitally
on March 22nd and also by the
physical copy on April 12th.
Now, what this means for the podcast is
our general spoiler policy is people have
a week after it is available on video.
To watch it before it becomes free
reign for us to discuss on the podcast.
Um, so that will be March 29th for us.
Um, with that being said, though,
there is going to be some Spider-Man
noway home discussions in this episode,
just given the nature of the subject.
Uh, but after this episode we will put
Spiderman back in the exemption list.
All right.
Like we said, you're gonna hear
an audio cue and on the other
side, it'll be fair game for all
spoilers in the MCU and we'll see.
On the other side
and we're back.
So again, if you haven't seen the
trailer yet, this is the one we're
gonna be discussing is the one
that was teased during the super
bowl that happened a few weeks ago.
Uh, and we'll for sure
link it in the show notes.
And of course,
Jude: if you see no way home and stayed
for the credits, you've seen a trailer as
Trey: well.
So w we have two, now we have that
one, which I think is called the T.
And this one is our first full trailer.
If I'm not mistaken,
Jude: I want to say scrolling
through Facebook, uh, Facebook,
no scrolling through YouTube.
I saw a link, let's say Dr.
Strange TV spot.
I don't know if that was a new TV spot or
there's something else that was attached
to like the Superbowl or, you know, but I
think that, I think, I think it was just
this in the, in the, in the one after the.
Trey: Yeah.
So just for a little bit of context,
because super bowl spots are so expensive.
The new strategy that movies have now
is that they'll like play a 32nd TV spot
and it'll just be like real quick clips.
And there'll be like, watch the
full trailer on our YouTube channel.
So technically there were two and I'm
not, I never really got to confirm.
Uh, because whenever we had the
discussion in our discord, some people
were saying they saw things that other
people didn't see in the full trailer.
So I'm not a hundred percent sure
there's different footage, but at this.
I'm after this trailer, like I think
we'll probably be the last trailer.
I see.
Uh, so the TV spots I've
been trying to avoid TV
Jude: spots are not made for us.
They're made for the casual fan
Trey: there that's the last ditch
effort to get people to buy a ticket.
Oh yeah, yeah.
With all that being said,
uh, dude, throw to you first.
What did you think of that?
Long is going to die.
Don't do
Jude: this to me while I
was going to die, dude.
I hope not.
We watched the trailer.
We watched the trailer just now
one last time, both of us, and
it's right at the end and Wong is
looking up and he yells strange.
And I don't know if it's our
Wong, but a Wong will die
Trey: counterpoint.
And again, we're we have Spiderman
spoilers so that I can say this,
the trailers for Spiderman,
no way home emphasized M J.
And we know that wasn't the case.
She didn't die.
Uh, captain America, civil war, the
whole, like, they really hinge the
trailers around roadie falling didn't die.
So I understand.
And I, and this isn't me trying
to just outright re refute you.
This is me trying to
hope you're not right.
Cause I don't want Wong to die.
It feels like whenever Marvel
emphasizes a character in peril, that
actually turns out not to be the.
So that's what I'm in a hole.
That's where I'm going to stick my flag.
Jude: I'll, I mean, I pushed back on
myself a little bit and say the building
up of Wong lately and Sean Chi, you
know, is small bit, but it was there
sorcerer Supreme and no way home.
I don't think they're going to kill him.
Like, I just, it just doesn't seem
like Marvel's emo, but I saw that.
Oh, my gosh, we're
Trey: losing walk.
And I think you set out a pretty good
caveat as well of a Wong might die
because it is a litany of multiple
characters of the same character in that
trailer, which I guess is, you know,
living up to the multi-verse of madness.
Jude: Oh, my gosh.
Like, like if we just started recounting
the rumors of characters that are supposed
to show up in this, aside from the
trailer, it's crazy to think what this is
Trey: going to be sued based on
the rumors we might even show up.
Jude: Right.
You're going to have that
scene, like in the first doctor,
strange for Wong's listening,
but it's not going to be Beyonce.
It's going to be NC.
You need to know.
Trey: I would love that.
Oh man.
But no, I think you're also touching
on, on something important of the
way Wong has been used lately because
he showed up in . Uh, he showed up
in Spiderman their way home and.
One of the major revelations in Spiderman.
No way home was that Wong
is the sorcerer Supreme.
And I've been watching Dr.
Strange a lot recently.
And one of the things that stood out to
me is how much Wong has grown from that
first iteration to where he is now in such
a short time sprain really all the Dr.
Strange characters have grown
with so few entries in the MCU.
Oh yeah.
But they have put a lot of.
Responsibility on Wong and it feels like
it's a good dramatic tool that we find a
Wong at the position that strange was, but
because of a technicality is not with the
blip and it would make the consequences
of strings, his actions that much heavier.
If we're going to see how it affects Wong,
because now he's the sorcerer Supreme.
Jude: Yeah.
Well, and that's the other thing
is like, can he just hand over
support sorcery or Supreme sources?
What can we just hand over the title
to strange or like, does he have
to, you know, death passes it on?
I want to say something else that
I noticed in this, watching the
trailer this time, but the, what
if episodes messed my head up?
It just, it dawned on me.
It was like, wait a minute, Christine.
Trey: not dead.
Oh, so the, what if Canon was still
Jude: right?
So like, yeah, like I'm watching
the thing and I was like, okay.
So we're definitely pulling from what if,
cause you see her in the wedding dress and
stuff and then I'm like, oh wait a minute.
She only died in the,
what if episodes nine?
The movies.
And like, so that, that was
something else that, that, that I
noticed, I, I kinda forgot about
the first movie, you know what,
Trey: I'm going to jump in here with one
of the things that stood out to me about
this trailer and something that I've been
kind of concerned would not be the case.
Um, I'm very glad to see
continuations of the first Dr.
Strange movie into this one.
Um, you know, I've talked
about it before Dr.
Strange is in my top five
favorite movies in the MCU.
We've even talked about it before of
how they have the cliffhanger of Mordo
visiting, uh, Pangborn and taking back
his magic because of the bill comes
due and it felt like there was there
wasn't going to be any room for him in
multi-verse of madness, just given what we
knew the subject matter was going to be.
But this trailer, I think, has
really alleviated the fears.
At least my fears.
I should speak for me.
And in hindsight, it almost feels like,
well, duh, like your straight has been
really messing with the multi-verse
who better to represent the seriousness
of that repercussions than Mordo.
It's already been established that he's of
this belief that you should not do this.
There's too many sourcers and that
you shouldn't break the natural law.
He's going to be.
Perfect antagonists for this movie.
So I'm, I'm glad to see him carry
those threads over into this from
the first movie into this one.
And what I bounced off of what you were
saying with Christine Palmer as well.
Uh, again, like I said, I
just recently rewatched Dr.
Strange, and it is almost
criminal, how underused, uh,
Rachel McAdams is in that movie.
So I'm really hoping she'll
have more to delve into here.
Um, and based off the clips that we
see where it looks like she's actually.
Joining them on the adventure this time.
I think, uh, there'll be a step up
in her usage of this, in this movie.
Jude: I hope so.
Well, and let's see the writer of this
movie, uh, did low-key Michael Waldron.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So like, I, I think.
Hey, that connection is going to help.
Um, but bead, I mean, he's feelings
on wherever you're at on Loki.
He was well-written.
You know, and he treated all
the characters really well.
And so I think he's going to.
Do exactly what you're looking for,
uh, with this, with, um, pristine.
Trey: Yeah.
Knowing Michael Waldron pinned
both low-key and multi-verse
of madness has me incredibly
astatic because I talked about it.
He is.
Of the team that worked on Rick and
Morty in association with Dan Harmon,
Dan Harmon's one of my favorite writers
part of it because of his almost rigid,
like devotion to the story circle.
And I think that has
found its way into locate.
At least I've felt that way in the way
that it completed stories on a per episode
basis while continuing an overall arc.
And I'm very curious to see how
that will play out in a movie where
it's not necessarily having to do
like a TV show of multiple arcs.
One continuous story circle.
So this, this movie really is primed
to just get me really excited.
Oh yeah.
Jude: Well, you know what?
I'm glad, I'm really
glad you like his work.
Um, yeah.
You know, the next thing he's working
on is an untitled, uh, star wars.
And you might return to the true
fandom, the original fandom.
Oh man.
Walden's going to bring you back.
Trey: Well, okay,
Jude: so there's two things
and it's Kagan Kevin.
Oh my gosh.
It's Kevin Figgis project too.
Trey: Oh man.
So just for some context,
what people may not know.
I swore off star wars
after book of Boba Fett.
And you
Jude: start that over
Dearing bookable effect.
Go ahead.
Trey: after book of Boba Fett, cause
even book a Boba Fett gave up on it.
Jude: it's so funny.
Trey: So, I dunno if you think
that's fine, if that's too much of a
spoiler, if you know, if you know, you
know, so I have sworn off star wars.
I have come to the realization.
It is not for me anymore.
I see what you're doing of
connecting Michael Waldron and
Kevin flaggy back to star wars.
What I was going to also say the second
part of that, and this is definitely
a kind of cutting my own self down.
Every other star wars show
is the one to bring me back.
Rise of Skywalker, pushed me away.
Mandalorian brought me back
book, a Boba vet pushed me away.
It's only natural.
The next thing's going to bring me back.
Jude: That's fair.
That's fair.
Trey: Oh man.
Jude: So.
We were going all over the
place here and that's fine.
Trey: Multi-verse of madness.
Jude: Yeah.
I mean, there's trailers
all over the place.
So one of the things, and not in a
good way, I want to say all over the
place, because there's so much in.
One of the things that really stood out
to me, you know, the, the scene where
he does a little buzzsaw thing to cut
the, the bus thrown at him from okay.
From the little, it felt
like I was watching the scene
from infinity war again.
Just not with.
The Ebony mall, you know, I mean,
it's just like the, even the
camera angles, the fleeing, it
felt like the exact same scene.
And I'm wondering how much
of that is intentional.
If that is we're seeing
a different universe.
You know what I mean?
Um, I don't know.
It, it just seems way too familiar.
Trey: The thing that I want to say is
if I'm not mistaken, I believe Scott
Derrickson the original director for Dr.
Strange has put out on, I think on Twitter
that he's very proud of how the visual.
All of that original movie has
influenced the MCU continuing from
that moment, like it was obviously
very inspired and infinity war.
Uh, it seems to be continuing
does that visual language
here, multi verse of madness.
Um, and I think it's just, I don't
want to call it a trope, but if we
have another movie where this happens,
it might be a trope at that point.
But based on.
Strange infinity war.
What if, and now this, it seems like
trouble happens the moment, strange
steps out of the sanctum sanctorum
so that's like, I feel that feeling
too, like it carried over into what
if of that, that just dread of like
stepping out and then there's this huge.
Terror that is unexplainable, even,
almost in comparison to the regular alien
stuff that happens in the Avengers world.
Um, so yeah, th that
feeling is there for me.
That's the key.
Oh, Dr.
Strange, you are going
to be on house arrest.
Take notes from Scott Lang.
You are no longer allowed
to leave the same.
Jude: That's going to be the
that's going to be the third one.
That's going to finish off his trilogy.
It's going to be his version
of the Sokovia Accords.
Strange house arrest.
Trey: Oh man.
Strange in the madness of
Scotland, they just live together.
That's the interaction I need to see.
It could be possible because I mean, the
quantum realm is just another dimension.
I wonderful ever see that Scott Lang Dr.
Strange Teamup,
Jude: you know what?
That would be a fun, a fun watch together.
Um, and I mean, it wouldn't be out
of line, you know, to, like you said,
the Quanta mania to have them show up.
Trey: As much as we are seeing an
intersection of the multi-verse.
With like, I mean, it's not
that hard to make a connection.
You got Loki with he who
remains and controlling the
multi-verse there, it breaks.
And then you have, he who remains.
Well, I should say Kang being in
quantum mania, you could see those
paths intersecting at some point.
Oh yeah.
Speaking of intersections though, I
think we got to address the elephant
in the room with this trailer Westview.
I was going to go somewhere else,
but I'm happy to talk about.
I'm happy to talk about west view.
Cause it seems like the show itself
has happy to talk about Western
YouTube, but we'll get back to that.
I think the biggest thing we, we can talk
about that was Charles Xavier, right?
X-Men are coming.
The X-Men are here.
Jude: You know what?
Okay, so now here's, here's
what I don't, I don't know.
And this is the, um, is
this Ralph boner or is this.
Trey: Osborn, Tobey.
Jude: Maguire.
Normalized Warren Toby Maguire.
But like, yeah.
Is this the X-Men, you know, the professor
X, X that we know from the Fox universe,
or is this a different professor X,
you know, or, or did they like cast.
Patrick Stewart, everybody
rumor is everybody expects
Tom cruise to be iron man.
What if this Patrick stewards,
you know, the old Tony stark
of a different universe?
Trey: Oh no, that, that is devilishly
evil and perfect at the same time.
You know what I
Jude: mean?
Like it is Stewart I'm with you on
that, but it's, it's one of those things
where it's just like, where is it?
Is it the professor?
That we know of.
Trey: So just to be clear and kind
of set the stage, everybody is
running away with this idea that it
is professor X and this is the MCU.
Introducing the aluminum.
Which is a organization within the
comics of a certain set of characters
and actually kind of know those.
Cause I started reading a comic book
story with a minute, but I never
finished it, but it in the comics,
it would comprise of people like Tony
stark to Cholla, uh, uh, miss Mr.
Reed, Dr.
Like it was just this collection of
incredibly intelligent people, uh, that
would over see situations like this.
It would be, yeah, it would be
incredibly funny if it does turn
out, this is like a council of stars.
That ascended to this position.
And it feels like it would be
kind of in line because of the
antagonistic relationship we
saw with strange and stark.
Can you imagine what that's got to
be like to be stuck in the chaos
of your actions and the person
overseeing you is freaking Tony Starks.
Jude: And that would be great.
Like, imagine you have.
Let's let's just, I'm going
to run with that for a second.
And let's just say this Patrick Stewart
playing another version of Tony stark.
Who else you have up there?
Robert Downey, Jr.
Tom cruise, Sam Rockwell, all
different versions of Tony stark.
Trey: Um, That's strange as hell that has.
I don't think that's going to be true,
but if you turned out to be right, that
will be the babe Ruth calls of all.
Jude: Yeah.
So it's so, so like, dad,
I'm curious about that.
A friend of mine and I were
looking at one of the pictures
and trying to figure it out.
When, when you see Dr.
Strange walk in and write to the
right, I think we texted back and
forth with JV saying this is due.
But then a friend of mine was like,
no, that looks like Peggy Carter.
Um, there's another shadowy figure there
that I think it's Mordo walking up,
but that doesn't mean it's the Morta
we know it could be a different Mordo.
Um, I wanna say it looked
like Killmonger was up there.
It'd be neat to see Michael B.
Jordan up there.
Um, and I, and I'm not
just speculating that one.
Like it, it kind of looks like that.
Um, and then again, aluminum.
Is this like, I dunno, is
this like a, is the Illumina?
Is this like another universe?
And a loop and a group in like
the Illuminati for that different
universe, or is this like the, the,
you know, are we gonna see Jonathan,
major's a kid and you have the TVA.
And in one king started the TVA
and another king started the.
Illuminati, and this is an outside
the university things and it's
a counter PVA organization.
I don't know, like it's and that's, and
that's, what's interesting here is, is,
and where I feel like I, I really need
to reign myself in to go see this movie.
Trey: because I've reigning in as far
as like setting your expectations.
Jude: Yeah, because, because I, I, I
can feel it already of my experience of
watching Wanda vision, which I loved.
It's, you know, I loved it, but all
the speculation of where could this go?
How wild can this kit got me
distracted from the actual story they
were telling about Wanda and grief.
And so I can already hear myself and
just like, oh, what is this going to be?
And how wild this is, that.
They're still telling a story and, and
I need to remember that I'm just going
to go in and watch and enjoy the story.
Trey: It's so fitting that
last year, Wanda vision was our
return to the MCU this year.
It is Dr.
If Wanda vision is where everybody learned
about the pitfalls of expectations and
theorizing multi-verse of madness feels
like it's going to be our first test
as a fandom in this new way of the MCU.
But to, uh, to speak more specifically
about what you were saying, as far
as telling a story, though, uh, I
want to transition to what I was
talking about, being excited about.
Um, it doesn't feel like Wanda vision
is going to be an afterthought.
The there's a, there's a scene in
particular in the trailer where
Wanda says, you know, when I
break the rules, I'm an outcast.
When you break the rules, you're
a hero that doesn't seem fair.
So it really feels like they
are pulling from Wanda vision
in a way that feels meaningful.
And it's given me a lot more
hope than that first trailer did.
And so not only do I feel like that's
playing off what you said as far as
appreciating the story that was told
in one division, but also looking
forward to what the potential of
this story here is in multi-verse
of madness, because based on.
Wanda's interaction with strange,
uh, mortals interaction with strange
strangers interaction with himself
of things just got out of hand.
It really feels like the theme of this
episode, this episode, the theme of this
movie is going to be consequences and
really leaning into the bill has come due.
I'm excited for the ramifications
of that story, if that is what they
are focusing on, because that's the
themes that I'm picking up so far.
Jude: Oh yeah.
Well, just, it's funny.
The, uh, you mentioned that
what my YouTube is paused
on right now is a shot of.
Scarlet witch shitting on her knees
in the west view nineties, two
thousands version of the house,
but did Wanda standing up over her?
You know, um, so they're
clearly gonna wrestle with
Trey: that somehow.
And it's gonna be interesting, cause
like we already knew they were going
to be multiple versions of strange,
just based off that first trailer
we saw on Spiderman, no way home.
Uh, the one we all speculated being
from what if, which actually I
think might not be the case anymore.
Um, I'll get back to that in a second.
Um, we knew that would
be the case with strange.
I didn't know if I knew there would
be multiple versions of Wanda,
but there definitely seems to be.
I think there's at one point where
she's fighting with a version of
herself and I'm not talking about
that scene where you see somebody
in like an almost Ironman ask suit.
Uh, actually combating herself, right?
This almost feels like a trailer
that you can't spoil because there's
just so much going on that there's no
way to make heads or tails of what's
Jude: going on.
Well, it, and it's, it's very much a
trailer that they could probably throw
whatever they want into this trailer.
Well, let's put it this way.
You know, like there scenes that'll
end up in a trailer and it's like,
oh, that scene wasn't in the movie.
And then sometimes it just gets cut.
For one reason or another, this
one just feels like they can throw
whatever they want into this trailer.
Just for the sake of no one
knows what's going on anyways.
Trey: Yeah.
Well, I think that's one of the things
that I was so excited about as much
as this trailer is revealing, I still.
Like I, obviously I have hands cause
I was talking about like a theme of
consequences and everybody kind of trying
to have the bill come due for strange.
I still don't know if I know, like I
can't tell you what this movie is about.
And I think that's special
about this trailer so far.
Jude: The one thing that I really
hope we get out of this movie.
And, and again, I'm just talking
about the movie and I know we're
kind of talking about the trailer
too, but going from no way home.
That felt like we're about to
get the multi-verse w we really
don't like he shuts it and Dr.
Strange prevents it at the end.
And who knows how we're going to
see how that will connect here?
What I hope happens or
I'm hope doesn't happen.
Let's put it, it can go
either way with this.
Um, we're getting America Chavez
and I hope this isn't a, like, shows
up from, uh, another multi-verse.
At the end, everything's settled.
America Chavez goes back to her universe
and it's a one and done like that's,
that's the big thing where I feel like,
um, this, I feel like this movie might
be a, have a missed opportunity if they
Trey: go that way, almost feel this so
much of this episode's been speculation.
So I've, I think it's okay at this point,
but I'll go ahead and give a warning.
This is some comic book
knowledge just based off research
and who this character is.
My understanding is.
Uh, American Chavez as a
character who has the ability to
jump between multi versus yes.
Uh, and I don't think it's necessarily
the same magic that strange has.
It's just a power that's innate to her.
I really feel much like, and
I'm calling my shot here much.
Like when Wu is the reason Shung she
works, I think American Chavez is going to
be the key to this movie working despite
the fact that it's the continuation of
one division and the continuation of
stranger story, the continuation possibly.
The thing that I think is going to
tie this altogether is America Chavez.
And I would not be surprised
if the opening of this movie is
featured on establishing her.
And then we pick up where we've
left off with familiar characters,
uh, is the only way that I think I
can really reconcile how prominent
she's been in the promotional.
Um, because it feels like she's
that vital to the story that you
just cannot add cannot promote
this movie without her being in it.
Um, so I'm with you there in that, if
this is the only bit of America John has
that we see it will be disappointing.
Um, but whenever we did our episode
of how important are the Disney
plus shows, we came to this for
lack of a better term put up.
When it comes to the multi-verse
I'm in, I'm firmly in the camp.
This is going to be there.
Put up moment.
I really think this is going to be, um,
the, the payoff of all the multi-verse,
um, flirting, I guess, is the way I'll
put it, that they've had in the MCU
so far, because I, I just can't see
them getting out of it, introducing
things like whatever it is, Patrick.
Is involved with, uh, paying
off so many iterations of the
same character in one movie.
Like this is going to be that moment.
Um, and I'm willing to risk
putting my foot in my mouth for it.
Jude: What are we thinking?
The length of no way home.
A bit shorter infinity
Trey: war.
I'd be okay with a long one.
I think.
Do we have any inkling of
how long it's going to be?
Not yet.
Jude: interesting.
What should be the
shortest entry in the MCU?
Trey: be funny, you know, and it's
cause again, I just recently watched Dr.
I was going, I was going to text
you, like I'd be comfortable with
a minimum of 30 more minutes.
It's a two hour movie.
It probably needs a little bit of
like more expansion of the story.
So 30 minutes feels right.
It would be funny if they come
back into the shorter one.
I know.
Is Sam, Sam Raimi known for long movies?
Jude: Um, not that I'm
aware of in terms of length.
Trey: I'm not gonna lie.
You have kind of.
Hm, brought up something I have
not thought about or been concerned
about, but man, I've, this is the
first Marvel movie I'm actually
really concerned about the link.
Cause before it's always just like
Eternals is the second longest movie
in the MCU and it's like, okay, cool.
And then it's like, Spider-Man no
way home is this Lang it's like,
okay, but this one's like, I'm going
to be actively refreshing, like my
Marvel news circuits waiting to see
how long this one's going to be.
Jude: Well, it feels
like we're wrapping up.
Do you have any final
thoughts on Australia?
Trey: just want to say
I'm really appreciative.
I know we already talked about
this a little bit when it comes
to the visual vocabulary of Dr.
One of the hallmarks.
I think of that first movie
is just the way it looked.
It like it, it looked like
nothing else in the MCU.
It really brought in that weird time,
Bindi magic, um, that felt unique.
And this feels like
the next level of that.
And I'm so glad to see how, how much
it is a continuation of the weird man.
But this time, it feels a lot
more horror influenced, which is
funny because Scott Derrickson
is definitely a horror director.
Um, but there's something that
feels so much more moodier about
it than previous iterations.
And that has me really excited.
Jude: And it's interesting cause you have.
Hmm, after this movie comes out, I would,
I really would want to dive into it a
little bit and see if we can see the
Scott Derrickson Erickson, um, influence
and Sam Raimi he's, you know, hand in it.
And if we can kind of
pull those two apart.
Trey: Yeah, I think that's gonna do it.
Uh, of course we'd always love to hear
what you thought of the trailer as well.
So if you'd like to weigh in, uh, with
your reactions, make sure you follow
us on social media at MC you need to
know, uh, both on Twitter and Instagram.
Uh, we look forward to hearing
what you're excited about for Dr.
Strange in the multi-verse of madness.
Jude: Do us a favor, scroll down
to the bottom of the show notes.
Oh on the link.
So you can join us in the
discord, wonderful community.
There talks about Marvel star wars,
all kinds of things, food pets, um,
make sure you click on the role of
sign, click on the emoji gets you
access to all the spoiler channels.
Uh, the news spoiler channel
about to get added very soon.
And multi-verse madness.
And of course the best thing
you can do for us ratings
and reviews and share with a
Trey: friend.
We'd also like to thank Nick Sandy for
the use of our theme song, which is
his rendition of the Avengers theme.
You can find more of his work
on the SoundCloud, which is
linked in the show notes as well.
Well, that's going to do it.
Thank you so much for listening and Jude.
Thank you so much for doing this.
Thank you tray.
We'll see you all next week.
I am recording.
Jude: Dang it.
What duping recording
now you're recording.
Yeah, I'm recording.
What happened?
No, I got, I'm trying to, to.
I've had to work before.
So I dunno, that's not working now.
Um, like my headphones too.
I can hear myself and you, uh,
I got, but now I have this echo,
Trey: uh, we'll take a second to V
Jude: to fix it.
So why am I getting an echo?
Trey: Is it something to do with
the way your Mac reroutes audio?
Jude: because it's a splitter.
Like my headphones has a splitter.
So like my headphones is plugged into
that and I have one in plugged into
the mic and one and plugged into the
computer so I can hear you and myself.
So that's why I don't understand why I
get the echo and it's not like the echo,
because like I can hear my voice outside.
You know what I mean?
Like it is echoing in my
Trey: ears.
Jude: Hello.
Hold on.
Hi, test test one, two.
I don't get it, man.
I'm going to show him, plug this in.
Trey: Do you want to restart the setup?
It sounds like you're
just throwing the mic out.
Jude: I don't need to hear
my own voice statement
I'll come on.
Hey, now
Trey: you're a rockstar.
Jude: No, no.
What I'm I'm PA I'm I'm way
past any ability to rock.
Trey: Hey, I've seen smash
Jude: mouth lately.
Look in the guy who now sits in my office
playing like the Mozart piano playlist
while working like I've even, even gotten
away from the lo-fi hip hop beats and
just like place your straight up Mozart.
Trey: You are the Marvel.
It's because it's, it's, it's
licensed free music to make the
villain sound distinguished.
I know.
Jude: All right.
1, 2, 3, go.
Well, I want you that I want you
to Q and a half minutes, but okay.
We're good.
Trey: I like it.
I don't think you've ever
done the start of the.
I don't.
That's good.
I liked that we were prepared
for that curve ball too.
We didn't miss a beat.
Jude: that Jesus.
So we need to like stop and start over.
Trey: No.
Why would that jinx us?
I think asking if that
jinx us is what jinx is.
Jude: Is that how jinx
Trey: is work?
I'm pretty sure they're like the yips.
You never talk about them.
Jude: oops.
My bad
Trey: one.
Three go.
Now we're covered both ways.
All right.
Uh, so back to business, did
we, is there anything we need
to go over in the outline?
Creators and Guests

As always, share with a friend
and shout out Nick Sandy