Retrospective Review: Thor (2011)
Trey: hello.
And welcome back to
another episode of MCU.
Need to know a podcast dedicated
to the Marvel cinematic universe
and everything you need to know.
I'm Trey, I'm Jude.
How are you doing Trey?
I am absolutely delighted by the
responses we got to last week's episode.
I was sharing some of them with
the earlier and the funniest thing
about it, which I appreciate it.
It's always fun to get, to hear people's
thoughts, but the thing that's been making
me laugh the most is any time there's a
new movie or there's a new show and, you
know, people have a disagreement with it.
The first thing out of people's
mouth is, well, you know, you know,
not everything's for everybody.
It's okay.
If you have difference of opinion.
Yeah, but the moment you
introduce a bracket all
Jude: well, what's so funny to me,
some of those, it was random, like some
movies moved on because it was random.
And some movies early on went
head to head with really good
Trey: movies.
And I think that the inclusion of the
timer, like forcing the conversation
in directions, you're not expecting
like when the timer ran out on the
winter soldier in Ironman three, and
that was being such a good argument.
It was hard not to go with iron
man three in that moment, but it'd
be interesting to think of like,
okay, what if we had eight minutes?
What would have happened
after that kind of thing?
I have been thinking about that episode
a lot because it was so much fun and
I was so focused on making sure like
the bones of the outline was good.
I'm already excited for
whatever we do at next.
Cause I feel like there will be
ways to improve and keep making it.
Cause it was, it was, it's a fun concept.
Jude: okay.
In for everybody that listens
regularly knows we edit.
Um, we want it, we want it to sound good.
We want to try to have the best podcast
out, um, out that we can, can produce.
There wasn't any editing on that.
They were like, you hit the timer
and it was five minutes and we
didn't like pause and discuss.
It was like, okay, that's
the timer let's vote.
Um, and so I really liked
that, that we stuck to it.
Timer, no, shut it down.
I then go to the next one.
So that was, that was fun.
Trey: Yeah.
And just like, just in case anybody's
actually like time to get on their end.
The timer is real to the recording, but
because I do like the automatic silence
removals, it may be shortened a little
bit if there's like a half second pause
in between, but the timing was enforced
in the recording, which is really fun.
There was no
Jude: like pause and you know, uh,
well, I mean, truth be told I didn't go
in planning on arguing for this movie.
Trey: I am genuinely shocked.
Because Nick, Sandy went in there as a
joke and you came in like, well, hold on.
And you went against your favorite.
Spider-Man not just
your favorite superhero.
I think your favorite Spider-Man
movie in the Spiderman trilogy.
Jude: I'm
Trey: coming in as my favorite,
Jude: you know, I didn't want as like,
okay, so let's get, I, my thought was,
I'm going to give her a fair shot.
I'm gonna try to make an argument
for it because it was, it was too
predictable to easily just say, okay,
it's Spiderman, homecoming, and move on.
You know, and let's, let's really
talk about thorn and see what
marriage had has in the context of
what we're doing here, this trilogy.
And so as I, as I even spoke
more, I just like, okay, I'm
really convincing myself to that.
This one.
Trey: Well on that note, unintentionally,
but almost seemingly by design.
If you downloaded this episode, you know,
we're going to be talking about Thor
from 2011, but before we get there, I
do want to take a quick moment to have
a bit of house cleaning here at the top.
I was talking to Jude about this earlier.
I am personally taking a bit of
a social media break, which also
means in turn, uh, the MCU need to
know social accounts are probably
going to be quiet for a little bit.
I'm looking to a, to take like just a
month of not worrying about that just
for my own mental health and trying
to break my bad social media habits.
But after a month it should
be returning back to normal.
So I thought it'd be good to let
people know up here at the top.
Uh, you know, a little bit in the discord
two, we'll be, I'll be pulling back.
Uh, mainly just trying to instill a
discipline of only really responding
on discord in the evenings rather than
just kind of being plugged in all day.
So just wanted to let people know.
Jude: Yeah.
No, and I think that's good.
Like, as people have noticed, I
am assuming maybe they didn't.
Oh no.
Oh my God.
Now I've taken my step back.
Um, you know, it was that time of
the school year that I needed to
finish and get through and just
focus on my work, helping my kids
get through school and all that.
And yeah.
And so I've had that.
I, I get it, same thing and, you know,
hopefully I was, uh, hopefully at
the same around time, I was actually
hopefully trying to look at July.
Um, cause I was thinking
June has summer school.
Let me get through that.
Um, I was working through, uh,
some applications for going back to
school, um, and you know, want to
get all, all that kind of sorted and
you know, and so I had July kind of.
Trey: That's funny.
Cause we haven't talked about
this at all until just right.
And so the fact that we both
laid it on July is really funny.
So the podcast will continue as
normal, but, uh, as far as just
online presence goes, that will be
dialed back a little bit until July.
So Thor, Thor, 11 thunder
roll, be the coming out party.
Jude: so funny with, with Thor,
the party thrower I'm rushing back.
Trey: Oh man.
Well, it is funny.
We haven't gotten into it yet.
I will say this.
It is funny watching this store.
How many moments reminded me of what.
And I couldn't help, but think of human
party door throughout the entire sidewalk.
Oh man.
But like I said, if you downloaded this,
you know, we're going to be doing our
retrospective review on Thor from 2011.
And the way we're going to do
this is we're going to break
this down into three acts.
So starting with the first act,
this is going to take us in the
beginning of the movie all the way
through Thor being banished to earth.
So starting with you, Jude, where
would you like to begin within act one?
I think it was
Jude: interesting.
That was, I was rewatching this,
I remembered it differently
and this isn't a big deal.
I'm just found that interesting where
Trey: I should have put Spiderman.
Jude: I'm like, well, I'm just
the sequence of events, right?
Where, where you see Jane
Foster kind of in the.
And had the, the big rainbow bridge, you
know, I'm trying to remember the Einstein
Bosun, you know, they call it, but like,
I just, I kind of thought of that as
like that came second and we saw the big,
like fanfare right up front, you know?
And so my memory was, was different,
uh, of the sequencing of things.
So that really stood out to
me on this in the beginning.
And only because again, it was
it's I found it, I was like, huh,
that's that's an origin story.
We're introducing a new character,
but we don't get him right away,
you know, and just a sequencing.
So that that's, you know, I just
found that it'd be an interesting
Trey: choice because it's about what
a good 10 minutes before he shows
up, I think maybe longer, maybe
longer because I mean, technically
you get the kid Thor, but right.
Like Kim's worth himself is a
good chunk of time into the movie.
Jude: Oh, you know what my
other thought was when you had.
Little kid, Thor and little kid
low-key and, you know, look, he's just
like, you know, the good kid, like
he's just soaking all this stuff in.
And door's like, yeah, bashing
her head in kinda, you know,
just that really aggressive.
It's like, oh man, this.
This is what it's like growing up in
Texas when you're little, you either
you either fit in or you're aggressive
like that.
I don't know why that came to my head.
Trey: Just flashbacks to like elements
were just like, you know, That's
so funny because this is a tangent.
We might cut this, but I remember in
middle school, not quite that young,
whenever I started playing football for
a little bit and then found out I was
not cut out for football, I went to PE.
And so it was like, I was somewhere
in between PE and football
as terms of like athleticism.
And it just ended with me just
sitting in a corner because I quite
want to do football, but everything
they were doing at PE was so boring.
Jude: And I played a F I find a lot of
football in middle in the middle school
and a little bit in high school, but
it's just, I find it funny of like,
I'm not complaining, not complaining
about it or something like that, but
there was just something about that.
Loki's was just inquisitiveness
that wasn't there with.
You know, that just kinda stood out to me
this time that I don't think I, I don't
think stood out to me that first time
Trey: and there's an adorable sadness to
it, because at that point he, hasn't not
corrupted, but he's not the mischievous,
like God of mischief that you see
once we see them as adult Hiddleston.
Jude: No, no.
And that, I guess, I
guess that's what it is.
It's not just that.
Well think about the show.
Low-key right.
And it was kind of like, oh, that's just
what you do when you're always to do
that and be that, and that scene, I'm
like, no, you kind of grew into that.
It felt more environment.
Let's put it that way.
The nerd, uh, nature versus nurture, it
felt more nurture and environment than
like, oh, that's in his nature to be and
that one little scene, you know, and
that's just, you know, kind of, I don't
know why that just really jumped out to
Trey: me, you know, in
the beginning of, of this.
Something that stood out to me that I
feel like I've had a bit of an inkling
for, but I, cause we talked about it in
the bracket episode where Kevin foggy
mentioned that Thor was one of the like
casting Thor was one of the biggest
decisions they were going to make for
Marvel studios, because this was going
to be the launching pad for an entire
side of the MCU, like the cosmic side.
And so I hadn't seen Thor
since reading that article.
And so now watching it, it really stands
out to me how much are, how special
it is that this movie captures this
civilian's perspective before gods
in space and aliens became the norm.
I like seeing Jane Foster
and the crew and that car.
And they're just kind of
like this air of mystery.
Like at this point in the MCU,
Tony, Stark's around incredible.
Hulk's been around, but that's all.
Native to earth to see the way that this
movie, like, even with the opening, with
Odin, as he's describing how ancient
civilizations used to work with them
as deities, like they used to just
accept that simple fact to see them
trying to reestablish a civilization
that will accept these gods as just
common fact and present AMC year.
I felt that constant push and pull
within the movie that I didn't
feel until this watch through here.
Jude: and one of the things from the
very first time I saw this movie, one
of the things I've always liked about
it was that ability to understand
its store and take itself seriously.
You know, of like this is Thor,
this is out in, you know, okay.
There's, there's a little bit of
silliness ridiculousness to it,
but we're going to care about these
characters care about the, their,
their arc, um, and their story.
And take that seriously, you know,
and, and which, which made that a
really good, good balance, you know?
Well, one of the things,
let me check the outline.
I'm going to go out and say this, even
though this is act two, one of the
things I, for me, the example would be.
When Thor, you know, has his coffee
and smashes the mug and says nuts,
you know, well, I know that's act two,
but there's just a good example of
that silliness, but seriousness and
dealing with someone outside of their
own culture, you know, and, and just
kind of being naive about that and
just doing what they would normally do.
Um, you know, and it
shows the arrogance of
Trey: Thor, but yeah, so for as much
work as they're trying to do, like
what I was saying about establishing
this cosmic side of the MC.
I like that you bring up that
almost fish out of water nature
that we see take form and act two.
And the reason that is so successful
is that the opening act, or at least
the reason I think it's successful
is that the opening act really
establishes like a power scale.
That is.
Of a heightened range than we've seen
at this point in the MCU, but the
characters are still really flawed.
Door's arrogance or his petulance,
like when he throws that tantrum at the
coronation after his big day is ruined.
Like I like that they are showing
that, okay, these aren't perfect gods.
They are still a fallible.
And I thought that's, um, and not
endearing, but that meant that makes
them feel more real and can play in
that space of like, this is serious.
This is Thor, but also I'll have another.
Jude: that he has a lot to, like,
he has a lot to learn, but it's
this place of privilege that
thorn has had his whole life.
And he throws that fit.
Doesn't listen to his dad.
The king goes running off.
Expects king dad shows up to
agree with them, fight with us.
You know, there is death side by side
right out, and doesn't bring some back and
his look, your arrogance and stupidity.
Trey: You're a boy.
Like he constantly keeps saying
like, these are the actions of a boy.
Jude: Well, and it's interesting
cause you know, I mean a lot of
people I think have made the case.
This is all on Odin.
Like, like, Hey, you would've
made better choices as a parent.
And I don't know, maybe not said,
Hey, both of y'all are born to be
Kings, but only one of you gets it.
Uh, you know, thanks dad.
Like we're going to have trials.
Uh, so yeah, but, but they
do do a good job though, of
knocking Thor down, you know?
And so you, so you, so he is, has, has
some, has a character, has a story that
they have to build up and something he
has to overcome, you know, and we see
Trey: it very clearly.
You know, we're going to get into
this once we get to the final act
of the movie, but I want to start
laying the groundwork here because
another thing that was a relevatory
for me in this watch is just how much.
That sequence and note, and Heim is an
inverse of Thor's actions at the end.
So at least doing the work now,
you know, Thor convinces SIF, and
the warriors three and Loki to go
take on lofi and yacht and Haim to
pay for the actions that he's done.
And like, I like functionally, I've
always understood what they're doing.
It's like, okay, they're
showing he's arrogant.
They're showing that he needs to
be humbled and he needs to learn to
think of others outside of himself.
But the way that they really emphasize
how much Thor's putting them at
risk, just to play in the vanity
of like getting to demonstrate
his power, getting to show off.
Lofi cause they have that scene where
like go before I changed my mind, Loki
intervenes and starts pulling away.
And then the other frost giant throws
that remark and doors excited to
have that reason to, to go back in.
So he's like looking for that fight
and that I think contrast nicely by
what we get to by the end of the movie.
Jude: Well, I think there's
some clever writing there too.
Um, only because it would, I think for
an audience, maybe it would be even
harder for us to say, why do I want
to watch this guy's redemption story?
If you don't have like, he's about
to walk away, you get that line.
So he was provoked, was he
Trey: only if it, you accept as egos,
as fragile as it is to be provoked by
Jude: that.
And, and so it's, it's, um, we'll see the
equivalent on the kid on the playground.
They're like, if he look at me, you know,
and then they work their way around.
So like you don't have a choice.
You're standing in that direction.
They're looking kind of thing.
I told you not
Trey: to look on this loving funder,
Jude: you get the idea.
So it's just like, yeah.
So I do think there was some clever,
clever writing right there, or, well, not
clever writing, but like, it was important
to have that line it's structurally
Trey: sound like that's
a good way to put it.
Uh, we talked or I can say we can
talk about the merits of Odin as a
paternal figure to these two boys.
But I want to specifically focus in on
Anthony Hopkins performance, because
he is phenomenal in the beginning.
Not only does he give the opening
narration over the history of this
side of Asgard, but there are, I think
few people that can pull off that
speech that he gives to Thor when
he's just dismantling them and telling
him you're not worthy, then have
Loki come in trying to defend them.
And he just straight up growls at him.
And it's not funny.
Like, it's just really like,
oh, like he growled and it, it
makes me scared every time I hear
Jude: well, you know what, it's funny.
So I'm, I'm watching this,
you know, for the pod.
Cause that's what you do.
And my wife, that's what heroes do.
That's what heroes do, um, sitting
on the couch and she's like, man,
they didn't, they did, they didn't
know didn't dirty and that's and
she goes, gets, it can a kid.
That's not the really thinking about like
the actual, like mythology and stuff.
Trey: Uh, this is Fisher-Price
Odin digestible for everybody.
I mean
Jude: that, and just, she was on,
you know, a while back to talking
about racking, rock and stuff.
And so for that is she's watching and
that, you know, seeing how, what audience
is being portrayed and she's like, no,
Trey: no, you know, we talked a little
bit about Loki, something that I liked
rewatching for the first time now
having seen low-key now having seen
more of it in the MCU is the very first
interaction that we see of adult Loki.
Cause I know.
Child low-key earlier, but the very
first time we see Hiddleston actually
speaking and interacting with Thor.
I love that it's just straight
up pure manipulation on his part.
Like he's straight up he's
he's like next to the door.
He's like for the record, I agreed
with you, but what can you do?
And father says, no, we say no.
And he waits for like just a half second.
And he's like, wait, no, I know that face.
So he's like provoking Thor without
really having to openly say it,
which could probably speak a
little bit more to Thor himself.
But I think it also speaks volumes for
Loki's cleverness and manipulation.
And it's just, it's a really great
grounding scene of who this, this
type of character is to start with.
Oh yeah.
Jude: you know what, and that was,
that was the struggle for me this
time around watching that I was just
like, I just, the young Loki, you
just took me so differently this time.
Um, that it was almost like, I felt
like I was like, I want to see more.
It was like, how did I want
to know more about Loki?
How did they.
From this, you know, this interested
inquisitive to the super mischievous,
you know, or know how about this, the kid
who, you know, what was the, the story
and Ragnar rock that, you know, he knows
I love snakes or whatever, then, you
know, it turns into, tries to stab me.
You're the one that cuts sifts hair,
um, which are great stories, especially
the cutting lady, stuff's hair, uh,
from the actual Norris mythology.
But it's like seeing that little kid, I
was like, oh man, I want, I want that.
I want to see, give me a scene
or two of this, you know,
Trey: how do you, how
do you get from that to,
Jude: and so that's, and, and they
tried to give it to us, right?
The, the whole, well, I'm going to say
this, like, so this was in 2011, right?
And we get Loki, we get.
And the low-key show.
And I remember listening to, there was
an idea to TK and ch and talk about,
um, how queer the show was that also
is coming up in the back of my head
of, of, of this with Loki, you know,
whereas like, so the, so without showing
us the childhood stuff, the term, the
stuff that they gave us was that his
arm was grabbed and it didn't hurt him.
Because he was a fresh, giant.
Well, before that you did get the,
you got the sense for me that he
already knew something was different
about him and this confirmed, and
that kind of confirmed it for him.
And then he went and grabbed this.
Uh, the, the big block.
I don't know why.
I can't remember the name of it.
All these things are now the casket.
Why am I blank?
I know I'm blinking, but anyways,
Trey: finish your
thought and I'll come in.
I'll go on that limb with you.
Jude: He turns, and he has that
conversation with Odin, you know,
and he's like, who am I here?
My son.
Who am I really?
And so this time I'm seeing a lot
more of that already there, you know?
And, and so while those scenes I think is
what the purpose or the purpose of those
scenes was for that, I definitely wish
they would gave us a little bit more, you
know, and it was a pretty quick movie too.
I think there was room for that.
Trey: It's two hours.
So, you know, you talked about
like watching it for the pod and
the joke that's what heroes do.
I will say this, I was of two minds.
I was like, okay, I'm excited
to watch the, for the pod.
The other non pod side of
my mind was like, thank God.
It's only two hours.
It's just like trying to find time
to rewatch it for the podcast.
Like when these movies get into
the two and a half hour range, it's
like, oh man, that's so much time
to try and fit in before we record.
Jude: I definitely understand.
Trey: Okay.
So it feels like we can move into the
second act, but I did want to go out on
this limb with you before we get there.
So it's very funny to me that
you were like, oh, I can't
remember the name of the casket.
I have seen this movie
twice before this recording.
Now I now know what is called the casket.
The moment this movie leaves my
mind, I'm going to think is the.
Every time, I'm not watching this movie.
It, for some reason, I feel
like it's the Tesseract.
And when I restart the movie,
I'm like, oh yes, that thing.
Jude: This is the third
time I've seen this movie.
Trey: Yeah, for whatever reason,
I just always assumed it was the
Tesseract that they were playing
Jude: with.
So there there's, my first watch
was, you know, how many people
just spit their drink out.
As I said that, because
Thor beat out homecoming.
This is only the third time I've seen it
Trey: when it's that good.
You only need two times,
Jude: but to watch per prepping,
prepping for Avengers, and then
once in prepping for infinity
war during the, the big rewatch.
So you didn't even,
Trey: I didn't even watch it.
It released it.
You still picked it over homecoming,
which I'm not gonna throw you out.
Cause we do the wolves I picked with
you, but I'll never get over that.
You pick your favorite Spiderman.
I went to bat for the winter
soldier in the first draft.
I'm sorry.
It was the first Avenger.
You were, you were on winter
soldier from the get go.
So, anyway, I just wanted to go out
on that limb with you on the casket.
You're not alone.
I will forget by the time this podcast
is over, but yeah, moving into act two.
This is going to take us from Jane and
the crew, taking Thor to the hospital
all the way to salvage, taking Thor to
the bar and asking him to leave town.
But specifically the reason I wanted
to transition into act two is you were
doing a wonderful job setting up the
low-key in this movie versus the low-key.
We've come to know him through
subsequent entries in the MCU.
And the thing that I really liked, like.
I feel like I can confidently say
that scene between him and Odin, where
he's like telling me that scene is
what solidified Hiddleston staying
in the MCU longer than I think the
narrative called for, because that
was such a wonderfully acted scene.
You could feel the emotion
in his performance.
But the thing that I find so
heartbreaking is we've talked about it.
Loki is the God of mischief.
But one of the things that I feel
like we learned in the low-key series
is that so much of the way he feels
is just through coincidentally being
wrongly affirmed like that feeling he
has of Odin being like I picked you up.
Cause I thought, you know, maybe
someday we could use you as a way to
create a truce between guilt and hype.
And even though that was the
intentionality, I do think Thor Odin,
and Frigga all do genuinely care about
Loki, but he is unable to see past that.
Hurt feeling.
And so, yeah, I see what you mean
where it feels like there is this
not feel like there is a missing gap.
We don't see where child low-key
starts to wear this look, he
gets too, but that emotional
catharsis of low-key trying to act.
Against this revelation, I think really
feels in those gaps, that history, you
can feel the tension of his performance
there, and the way they follow this
up is towards the end of this act.
They have a scene with Loki and
his mother by Odin's bedside.
And in that scene, you can see Frigga is.
Counteracting that false assertion
that nobody actually cared for him.
Like she is showing genuine care
and he's receiving it and you can
see it in Huddleston's performance.
But the tragic thing that I
think whether it's gotta be
intentional, it was just well done.
Is she unknowingly uses the phrase.
There's always a purpose to
everything your father does.
And that was the moment
that pushed Loki back.
Like it felt like he was teetering on a
path that maybe could bring them back to
that sincerity we saw in the beginning.
But because of that, again, unknowingly
use of purpose from Frigga the person
that was making the most headway.
I thought that was really good
writing on this movie's part.
Oh, so
Jude: what is, what is the, what
will I say not to downplay it,
but what is, what is the typical.
You know, the, the whole, like,
we know mom loves us, but we w we,
you know, we need dad's approval
kind of, you know, psychology.
Um, again, I'm playing a little bit out of
my realm on this, but, but just that idea
of like, when you start talking about.
What is fatherhood and where people's
relationships to their father, you
get this idea of a wound that people
carry that typically you'd hear it
called the father wound that, and
depending on who it is, it's, it can
be more drastic than others, you know?
Um, your dad might be wonderful, but
there's something there because you're
always wondering the approval or your
dad might be Walter White, um, or
Odin, you know, like, uh, you know,
but, but here's why I bring that up
as you mentioned that with that line.
Cause, cause also when you get
to the show, low-key, what's the
thread that, that that's pulled
through glorious purpose, you know?
And, and so if she's saying that,
you know, Odin, you know, always does
stuff with a purpose and you know, and
you, and you want to think about what
that is and what that father wound.
Is that, that then drives in him and
carries him through, you know, it is,
this is, am I, am I wanted, am I low?
So I have this purpose, I have this
glorious purpose and I'm going to spend my
life showing dad that I have this glorious
Trey: purpose.
Oh man, you took what I had
and went one step further.
And I love it.
I didn't make that connection to Gloria's
purpose whatsoever, but that's beautiful.
And I wanted to re-emphasize it
because I think I set it up poorly.
The reason why I said it was
significant that Frigga used the
word purpose in that argument with
Odin and low-key low-key I think
specifically saying what is my purpose?
And that's what Odin said.
And so that, that word
comes back to haunt them.
And the fact that that's a line
that gets continued with glorious
purpose through the series, that's
really, really strong writing.
And just to.
Hammer home, how much thought I think
has put into low-key psychology.
There is a scene after Thor fails to pick
up mule Nair and Colson's questioning him
and he goes away and low-key comes in.
Loki makes a line where he says, how
cruel the father to put the hammer within
reach, knowing you could never lift it.
And so you're seeing Loki's truth
come through his life for Thor.
So it's truly a sense of pain.
That that's what thought means.
That's what Odin did to low-key
he put the throne in front of him
knowing that he could never truly
Jude: have, right.
No, I love that.
Um, cause that's a mischievous
low-key thing to do, you know, to,
I'm going to put salt in the wound.
Trey: He's so he's petty,
Jude: but there's an element
where it's like, you're almost
like, can you blame her?
And that moment
Trey: at this point, he hasn't
taken anybody's eye out yet.
So he's still suffering sympathetic.
Once you get to Avengers,
that's a threshold that's kind
of hard to come back from.
Jude: True, true.
Although they brought that in,
bring them back, took 10 years,
Trey: at least without,
without six episodes,
it took 10 years, six
episodes on an alligator.
So, yeah, that's, you know, I I've was
on the record last week saying I don't
think Thor, the dark world is as bad
as everybody says, but it's a better
low-key movie than it is a Thor movie.
I really think now having watched this
even more recently, Loki is the saving
grace of the first two Thor films.
Like I think Thor, by the time we get to
ride in Iraq, Thor and Loki are on par,
but low, just right there that everything
that we were able to pull out together
through the psychology of low-key I think
they just, they, I don't want to say
they got lucky, but they, I don't think
they truly appreciated what they had in
Hiddleston until you get to the Avengers.
Jude: Yeah.
Well, well, a couple of things, a, one
of the arguments fourth, or going on
from homecoming, if you're new to the
pod, go listen to the previous episode
on the bracket was that we got lucky
out of it, you know, and as you find
it interesting, cause you can find, I
think you can find it on YouTube where
Hiddleston auditioned for Thor originally.
That would have changed things
so much significantly now.
I mean, I get it.
They're actors are playing apart.
So like in theory, yeah.
He could have done Thor and someone else
could have done low-key it's one of those
where it's just, it's hard to see it.
Trey: Yeah.
So were there any other things
that stood out to you in act two
that you wanted a circle it on?
I kind
Jude: of already mentioned it.
I just, I liked what they did, you
know, to, to do that fish out of
water culturally there, I, I, I
think there was some issues and some
problems in how they showed Jane and
developed the Thor Jane relationship,
you know, so that didn't quite work.
But I, I did like the, the comedy
aspect that they were able to pull,
pull into it, you know, I think, I think
my favorite, I think this had probably
one of my early on favorite Easter egg.
Which w which was, um, although I did
see it different this time, which is
interesting, uh, Jane Foster's ex Dr.
Blake, because that was in the early
sixties or through the sixties comics,
that was, um, Thor's alter ego, you
know, and he would turn into Thor.
And, and so that was
something that I really liked.
Um, but what did stick out to me this
time was the whole, that's my ex line
only because it's like, you have this
scene with Hemsworth and his shirt off.
And immediately where my head went to and
it's like, this is the only shirt I have.
This is my.
And it fits some.
I was like, are you telling me Jane Foster
has a tight, like, like what, like it
made me think of like, what are you trying
to, I mean, it was, it was an interesting
way to put that Easter egg in there.
And I really enjoyed that, that Easter
egg in the way they put it in there.
But it also it's like, okay, in
that choice, what were you trying
to tell us about this character?
You know, um, which I don't think
I thought of the first time or
second time and the second time I
saw it, um, you know, so, so as much
as I did really enjoy this movie,
I think in the, in that, watching
that interaction just didn't, didn't
Trey: quite do it.
One of the things I wanted to set up in
that first act that I didn't quite get to,
but I think fits here, this movie feels
dated in a way that I don't think a lot
of the MCU movies feel because up until
this point in phase one, Ironman holds up.
And I'm speaking, particularly
specifically, visually
iron man holds up iron man.
Two holds up hold.
Eh, not that great Canton America
because of the world war II nature, if
feels timeless and then Thor, I think
of that phase one set the word hope,
I think really showed their age and
in part of Mo or moving beyond just
visually showing its age, they way, the
way they treat the writing of women.
I think it's just every time I wanted
to take notes about Jane Foster,
all my note would come back to is
I'm so excited for love and thunder.
Like I'm so glad that because Natalie
Portman is a wonderful actress and
I'm glad that they're getting a chance
to, I don't even wanna say, give
her a second chance that she gets an
opportunity to have a hopefully better
written character because maybe.
Other than two or three scenes, every
Jane scene is just like fawning over Thor.
And it just, it, it it's like, I know it
is, they needed that, that relationship
to work because that's the hinges moment.
By the time we get to the end of the
film is that they can't be together, but
it's, it's so thinly written to get to
somewhere rather than it being something
that a fully dimensional character.
Jude: Well, it's interesting.
Cause when I saw Thor getting ready for
Avengers, I remember my wife saying was
like, why would Natalie Portman do this?
And I didn't think much of it at the
time, you know, but I think his really
good point actually, you know, I mean,
I know she has a really good point, but
at the time I didn't think much about
it, but now, you know, thinking back to
even that time for the things Natalie,
Portman's done leading up to Thor,
that was a very interesting choice.
Trey: Yeah.
There's just not a lot
there, unfortunately.
And again, strictly writing-wise
it's just that there wasn't much.
Have a role, although, when you
said, uh, does she have a type?
I immediately thought of happy
from the, what if zombies episode
where he had the shirt that said
I'm not single, I'm saving myself.
Jude: Oh, that's funny.
But that's, you know,
Trey: well, it's on the topic
of this movie feeling dated.
I talked about visually, I
talked about the writing.
Another way that struck me as odd
is this movie came out in 2011.
I think it's supposed to still be in that
2008 era because this is kind of almost
taking place simultaneously with Ironman.
So even though it's real-world 2011,
Jude: cause, cause I'll, cause all this is
that whole Fury's long week or something.
Trey: Right.
So 2008 it's a year after the iPhone
came out, everybody has pre smartphones.
And it's really funny to me to see,
I think Jasper Sitwell had the most
technologically advanced one and it's
like this LG chocolate something I can't
even remember, but it's, it's very dated.
The one that got me the most is whenever
shield comes to Jane's a workspace
and steals all their equipment Celtics
like, oh, well, I'll send an email to a
colleague to get this straightened out.
And Darcy's like, oh, well
they stole your laptop.
A few seats later.
We see Silva going to
the library to write it.
Jude: Oh man.
Oh, that's so funny.
Um, yeah.
Like w well, cause they took his phone.
They took a smartphone.
You know, um, I didn't,
that didn't jump out at me.
What did jump out me out at
me with the radio shack long.
I missed radio shack by
the way, but just saying
Trey: I do too.
I always went in there with no real
purpose, which is probably why it's
Jude: it?
Radio radio shack was one of those
stores that you went into with no real
purpose, especially if it was the one in
the mall just to look around and play.
But when you actually really
needed it, it was super useful.
And there's times where it's like,
you just, it was still a radio shack.
I'd walk in and get this right away.
But now it's like, I have to order
Amazon and wait for it to show up.
Trey: Okay.
I'm so thrilled.
The way that you had just told
that story, because I'm so curious.
I don't know the pure
demographics of our audience.
I wonder how many people listening.
Don't know what radio second.
Jude: Okay.
If you don't know what radio shack
is, take a look at your smart phone
and think of all the things that does.
And then separate all the functions
it does into its own separate device
in a store that you can go and buy
each individual device to have to
do everything you do at one phone
Trey: and batteries.
Every, every battery you can think of.
You know, also speaking of Selvig,
whenever you mentioned this movie having
one of your favorite Easter eggs, the
Donald Blake one, I thought you were going
to go to that scene that I mentioned.
Selvig uh, writing an
email to his colleague.
The lead into that was I knew this,
the scientist that was brilliant
with gamma radiation, and he got
involved with shield and was never
heard from, again, I think I'd have
to rewatch the first two movies again.
I think that might be the first spoken
interwoven connectivity of the MCU of
him alluding to hope, because we see
like in Hawk you see like stark logos,
obviously stark appears in the, in credit,
but as far as within the movie itself,
I really think Selvig mentioning or kind
of alluding to banner might be one of the
first spoken ones, which is really cool.
Jude: know what I think
you're right on that.
I mean, I mean, I'm going to
rule out the tag on iron man.
Trey: It feels different
because it's not the
Jude: same thing for incredible hole.
I'm going to rule out the tag cause
it's not in the movie iron man too.
I don't remember it referring.
I mean, it refers back to iron
man as in that it's a sequel.
Another movie, separate.
Cause in release order, it would
have to referred to the Hulk.
Trey: It does, it does have Colson
referred to New Mexico, but we don't
know what that means at that point.
I think I'm going to say you're right.
If we get into the weeds,
maybe we can rule it out.
But at least like just kind of
on the surface, it feels like one
of the first examples of the MCU.
Jude: Yeah.
I mean, there's a lot of interwoven stuff
in Ironman too, but all that happens
like after the fact that's like later
movies, winter soldier, we need a Senator.
That's a Hydra agent.
We had a Senator Congressman
and Ironman to things like.
Um, the Tesseract is like, oh,
it's in his dad's notebook.
That like a lot of things like that,
that, that were Easter eggs, but
the, not the, what you're talking
about, the interwoven newness of
Trey: the characters recognized.
Jude: Yeah.
And especially cause incredible
whole came out in 2008.
This came out in 2011.
First Avenger was 2011 because that was,
Trey: may feel like a few months later.
Jude: Yeah.
It was may July.
And then, you know, and again,
that's why I said about captain
America first Avenger, feeling like
it was a rush to get this character
done because you have made 2000.
July, 2011 and then Avengers May, 2012.
So yeah, I think you're right.
That's really cool.
Really cool.
Trey: I have an appreciation
for it, especially since it's
the incredible Hulk that movie
I think gets pushed aside a lot.
And I think it does owe some foundational
piece to the MCU, even if it is the
least referred to, I think I'd go out
on that limb, although it might've
caught up with a lot of the ROS stuff
Jude: between Ross.
What if Ragnar rock, there
were some references to it.
We'll see what she does.
Um, I'm gonna, to be honest, I haven't,
I watched it not that long ago and
Trey: it's on HBO max now.
I think,
Jude: um, I really,
um, Yeah, I watched it.
Not that long ago.
It's not as bad as people
think I have a soft spot
Trey: for it.
Jude: Yeah.
I mean, it's definitely MCU.
Hasn't figured out what they're doing
yet in terms of one V one vision and
one look, you know, and again, that's
one of the things when I, when I look at
these, go back to Thor, this vision and
aesthetic that Kenneth Bronner gives man,
that it feels very consistent as Ironman.
What iron man gave us, what you see
in Marvel's the Avengers and that
gets pulled and carried through.
Trey: It basically takes the
aesthetic of iron man and tilts
it 45 degrees, apparently for
so many scenes in this movie.
Jude: Okay.
I just got distracted.
I can tell I'm looking at the MCU list.
And I started thinking of aesthetics
and I'm, and I'm kind of looking at
OKR, I mean, three Thor, dark world.
And it's like, okay.
So a dark world did not have the
same kind of aesthetic as the war in.
And I was just kind of tracing it through.
So that's a whole other
episode we'll get to later.
Trey: Oh, that is, oh man.
I'd have to be sure to write that, dude.
I feel like we've had like
50 episode ideas in the last
Jude: three.
I know.
All right.
So what are we, uh, act two
Trey: active.
We just finished talking about some
of the Easter eggs, talking about
the interconnectivity of Thor,
uh, talking about how it's feeling
dated, but also is responsible
for the aesthetic of early MCU.
Jude: So my, my, some of my other thoughts
come actually comes into, into act three.
Trey: Okay.
Well, I have two things.
We can talk about an activity, so let's do
Jude: that.
Cause I'm, cause my head's
starting to think about it.
Trey: Okay.
So like I said, I got two
things I want to talk about.
One of them is just silly, but
I do want to bring it up for
the sake of talking about it.
Age of Ultron cap and iron man have
that conversation about like what an
elevator be able to lift the hammer.
And I think Thor says something about
like, you know, you have to be worthy.
It doesn't matter if it lifts up on
the elevator because it's not a person
lifting it should then the truck have
been able to move it with the chain.
Jude: Hm.
I feel like I can get that.
I can, I can go either way.
Is that
Trey: cause?
I mean, you want to say, okay, the
elevator doesn't have a will, right?
You have to push the button
to activate the elevator.
That's no different than just
accelerating in the truck.
It's not like a trucks trying to move the.
Jude: Yeah, the person.
So, I mean, here's, here's
the question though?
Is the person making the elevator go up
because it's trying to make the hammer go
up or is that just kind of a unintended
consequence of making the elevator go up?
Trey: I understand you correctly,
it'll only go up if the Hammer's just
there as a coincidence and you need
to go up, but if your only intent is
to go up, so the hammer moves, the
hammer will not move the elevator.
That makes sense to me.
That tracks.
Jude: Yeah.
So I that's what I think.
Trey: I think I'll go with that too.
Like I said, I knew it was silly.
I just wanted to bring
it up for the sake of it.
But on the topic of the hammer, one of
the things that I, again, I had this new
lens at which I appreciated this movie
and it is the swing that it is taking to
establish the fantastical and the SciFest
well, not scifi, but the, the cosmic side
of the MCU and seeing Shield's response
to the hammer landing in the desert,
where they built up this huge base and the
scientific, like very, I don't know if a
de-stress is the right word, but it's just
clean and scientific and very sterile.
It, it feels like a world that has stopped
believing in that fantastical side,
trying to contain it before it breaks,
but we know where the MCU is going.
We know where Thor's going.
And so I like that visual
imagery of trying to.
Hold on to that old way before
gods and aliens and the space
side of the MCU becomes the norm.
So my might be a little bit of
the curtains just blue, but that
was one of the readings I got
out of watching this time around.
Jude: No, I don't think they're blue.
I think, uh, I think you're on, you know,
um, and just, we haven't talked about
it much, but I do think Kenneth Brown
is a good filmmaker, a good director.
And so in that sense, I definitely could
see like, yeah, there's intentionality
Trey: there.
I do want to throw this to you because
I've found this interesting that in
the first two iron man movies, we
always found it surprising how little
we talked about Colson and that
started to plant the seed for me.
How Colson is a character
that is super beloved in the.
And I'm starting to feel like at this
point, that love of the character
is from agents of shield because
in this movie he's kind of a jerk.
And so as we've been going through
these early MCU movies, I'm trying
to like trace, when did Colson become
the Colson we talk about today?
Yeah, because it doesn't
feel like it's he's in it.
I don't feel like that Colson's in this.
Jude: Uh, no, I can kinda, I mean, when
you, when you talking about the screen
time and what he does is clearly more
than Boba Fett through the movies,
but you're right for the passion for,
uh, the Phantom has, uh, the Phantom,
the fandom has, um, for Colson.
Um, I mean he is the through
line all the way to Avengers.
Yeah, you're right.
Trey: It's purely on just the writing.
And I guess the, I don't even
want to say fan fiction, cause I
don't even think it's fan fiction.
It's just the way Colson morphed
into something more than what he
was in the beginning, because the
script just needed him to be this
suit character that is coming in.
Finger-wagging like trying
to stop Jane and crew.
The thing that stood out to me is if you
have a character that says we're the good
guys, like trying to defend themselves,
not necessarily a ringing endorsement.
And I think I will say that.
I do think you start to see the Phil
Colson breaking through because he's
very straight laced at the beginning.
Like very, uh, professional.
And just like to the point
we're going to take your stuff.
Okay, bye.
Have a good day.
And then by the end, it gets to the
point where the destroyer shows up
and they're like, is that stark?
He goes, I don't know.
That guy never tells me anything.
So you're starting to see it form,
but I don't think it's there, Justin.
Jude: Nope, you're right on that.
God, that's interesting.
Cause I remember, you know,
sticking with Colson for a second.
Um, captain Marvel, one of
the things I really liked that
movie a lot, really enjoy it.
And one of the things that
I was disappointed in.
We didn't see enough Colson Colson
was coming back and oh, we're
going to get to see Colson and
Nicolson in the younger years.
And like, we barely got him.
I think
Trey: I immediately texted
you, is like, I love that.
We're at the point where the MCU can
stunt cast based purely on continuity.
Colson had no reason to be in that middle.
So, yeah.
Jude: That's yeah,
Trey: that's great.
We're in danger of becoming
the anti Colson podcast
Jude: sort of coal we
are through with you now.
Um, but you're right.
Like, you know, and I still enjoy
the character, love the character.
The one shot was great.
You know, the one shot hits differently.
Now thinking about Sitwell,
watching Sitwell in the
Sidwell, um, Jasper Sidwell.
Watching Sitwell in this, in this, and I'm
like, geez, that's, that's a Hydra agent.
Uh, so it hits differently now.
Um, but yeah, no, you're, you're.
On that, you know, but again,
this watch I'm like, I I'm, I get
more out of low-key than I do Thor
Trey: low-key I think has always been
the secret shining star, the horse here.
I mean, thorn didn't get
six episode series, so Nope,
Jude: Nope.
At best he showed up in frog Thor.
Rockfest this frog.
Trey: Well, yeah, I think unless
we got any more enact to, we might
be able to move into act three.
Let's do that.
That is going to take us from,
low-key making a deal with lofi
back in yacht and Haim all the
way through the end of this movie.
Jude, it's your turn this time, where
would you like to start with enact three?
Jude: One of the things that, that
I, I noticed, and then we talk
about the Disney plus shows and how
you have to have that final set.
And you final action piece.
And so I had that kind of in the
back of my mind, like, what would
this be like if I chopped it up
into what is that two hours, right.
And the two, two shows, um, or, you know,
one for 30 minute episodes, like, did,
did that in feel like a, just kind of
obligatory, obligatory, uh, set piece?
Um, I mean, I didn't know, like,
like I really did like the sequence,
um, and the fighting, you know, I
thought worked well, you know, it
wasn't, I mean, it was obligatory
cause that's just what they have.
But it, it felt like, and I'm wondering if
it's because it was a movie and naturally
flows into it without that episode.
Because it didn't because it just felt
like this is just part of the movie.
We're not filling time or
have to have it cause we need.
You know, a monster.
I think there was, there
was a little bit of it.
Um, it just, the way it ended, you know,
it, I know we had Thor, the dark world,
but it could definitely, I think S sat
as a SA as a, as a standalone piece.
Like if we'd never saw low-key again.
Um, and, and, and those types of things.
So, so in that sense, I was
really pleased with how it ended.
Trey: Well, I'm going to speak about
this positively first, get into my point.
I'll I'll go ahead and admit, I don't
have as much notes for act three.
Let's start with the positive.
You know, I started, I started
talking about it in act one where I
said, I liked how they did more, or
I appreciated the work they did, of
how that opening fight sequence is an
inverse of what we see him in this one.
He's doesn't have his powers.
He doesn't have his hammer.
And you know, when his friends
show up to fight to destroyer with
them, they're all excited about
how he's going to join the fight.
And he's like, no, you know, I will
only be a burden I'll get in the
way or worse, get one of you killed.
So the entire time he switched
from the Thor that was boastful and
bragging, uh, to a Thor that is more
conscious of other people around him.
And that's always worked just
functionally, because this is a movie
about him being humbling and learning
to do self sacrificial things, but
hearing or sitting down to take notes
and seeing what Odin had lamented him.
Taking the heart before stripping him
of mule Nair and deeming him unworthy.
It just really clicked all
together, actually paying close
attention to it to this time.
So I did like that.
I think that all functionally works.
I think the problem of the first two
Thor movies, I know we're only reviewing
the, this one, but I think I've figured
out on why these movies might be on
the lower end of the MCU rankings.
It is unfortunate that Thor's hero's
journey, even though it needs to happen.
And I understand why it happens.
It makes him a less interesting
character because even though he's
super petulant and he's arrogant, at
least there's some sort of tension
with him and the world around him.
But by the time that it gets to the
point where sifts, like they'll sing
stories of this day and he goes,
live and sing those stories yourself.
I'm like, okay, like we, we lost
the interesting part of the, and
I think that carries over into
the dark, the dark world as well.
And I think why Ragnar rock works so
well is they've found a way to make
him, I don't want to say fully a good
person, but a person who is conscious
of others while still being a little
arrogant and a little oafish and a little
texture to him rather than whatever
he becomes at the end of this movie.
Jude: Hmm.
It does fit though, with the
Norse mythology right there.
We're going to have, we're
going to have songs about you.
Trey: It fit.
Like I said, I get it.
It all, it all makes sense to me.
I just like the Thor before he got up.
I mean, one of the big things the next
morning from the bar is he's making
Jude: breakfast.
Trey: It's just like, if, if this was
it, if this was just the first Thor movie
and there's nothing else fine, I get it.
They live happily ever
after Thor is a changed.
But we're going to get more.
What have you excited about this?
Jude: We don't know that
Trey: at the time.
That's true.
Well, we knew he was coming in the
Jude: Avengers.
So that's fair.
That's fair.
And that's where, you know, some of
the MCU timeline and planning gets a
little murky of like how early on did
they know it was going to turn all
the way to where we get an end game?
Because by this point, you're right.
We know we're going to get
Avengers because of contracts.
Like we know you're getting iron
man three, like, like, so, you know,
some of these others are coming,
but just because it's on paper,
doesn't mean they actually have to do
Trey: it.
I think the best example of that,
Aaron Taylor Johnson, I think was
like signed on for like five movies.
And that's quick silver in age of Ultron.
So we know that's not necessarily
indicative of how many entries
they will actually be in.
Jude: So, so, yeah, so that's,
Trey: I still enjoy this movie.
I still stand by last week's decision, but
it, it re like sitting down to watch it.
It was like, oh, that's why
this movie I think, starts to
lower on people's rankings.
He just, he becomes kind
of boring for two movies.
Jude: Well, that well that in, and you
get the, this is not one that people, I
think get excited to go rewatch things.
I was like, oh, I'm going to go
back and watch an older MCU movie.
I'm going to grab the door
unless you're just a really
big Hemsworth door fan, right.
Or Hiddleston fan, um, that see another,
another episode idea just came to mind.
What are the, what are the
most go-to rewatch movies,
Trey: Ragnar rocks.
And what's your go-to for?
Jude: Well, I know for me and for
you, but also just in general and
what phase are those come from?
Trey: I hope I didn't
derail the spinal and now
Jude: I just think just pop
that just popped into my head.
Let's get back to Thor.
We'll we'll discuss that later, but,
um, so yeah, well, I think that's how
they're telling is like how much of this
movie as we talk about, it brings up
other questions related to other movies.
How so?
Um, we'll just, just the here of like,
like, okay, is this one that I'm assuming
people don't go back to rewatch, right.
You know, the, the aesthetic and
does that get pulled through?
So it's really interesting that the part
of why it moved on and homecoming was
this foundational at what comes out of.
And all these little sidetracks
that we've had out of this
movie, considering the larger
Trey: MCU.
I'm glad you brought that up because
there was something I wanted to highlight
in act one that I just didn't get
around to, but I can circle back to it.
But this there's a line where they're
going to note and Heim and Heimdall
is like warning them about like, oh,
you know, this is dangerous and doors.
Like I have no plans to die today.
It's very reminiscent of that line and
infinity war where he's, he's like only
if I die, like he's very headstrong in
that nature of refusing his, uh, I don't
even want to say mortality, but just
the, the, the ability for him to lose.
And so watching this movie there,
another, another one, when they're in
the bar with Selvig, he tells salvage
for the first time, I have no set plan.
That's almost a direct line from
in game and whether or not they're
referencing back and forth, who knows,
but you can see the blueprint of Thor.
You can see the elements of
what they're trying to establish
with the character here.
But I think the groundbreaking part of
Thor is the blueprint that became the
foundation for the MCU, not necessarily
the character and they were still working
that out so that that's all solid.
It sets up what becomes a foundation
of the MCU, but they just hadn't
quite figured out Dory yet.
Um, so yeah, I'm glad you brought
that up so I can highlight that.
Cause that was something that stuck out
to me, uh, with those two scenes really
echoing things we see later well and
Jude: handles lined back.
Do you know, um, I had two
thoughts to mind, but I'm actually
saving them frustrate thoughts.
So, yeah, I've got straight
Trey: thoughts too.
I feel like because I even,
I think I admitted it.
I, I didn't have very much
of any notes for act three.
And a lot of it is because act
three is very action heavy.
Uh, the only other thing that I would
bring up before we get into stray
thoughts, uh, two things actually,
you know, we already highlighted
Loki and his search for purpose.
And what that means in this movie,
what it goes on to mean in the series.
It is wonderful work.
That low-key is so repulsed by the idea
of the purpose of signed by Odin, that he
like his main goal switches to destroying.
And, you know, we can, we can make
that argument like, okay, he's
been playing this for a while.
He admits that he was the one
who let in the frost, dry ins to
mess up Thor's, uh, coronation.
But he even admits it to lofi.
That was just for fun.
I just wonder ruined my big brother's day.
I don't think Loki is as villainous of
wanting to reject that purpose, wanting
to destroy until that scene with Odin.
So to finally get that catharsis
where the deceptions gone, it's just
pure, low key acting out on his pain.
It's you see all that in this final action
sequence, I'm going to make dad proud.
I mean, he even says it, like I
could have done it Odin I could have.
And he said an Odin says no,
and that's when he lets go.
So I just wanted to spotlight, uh,
Huddleston's work cause he's doing a lot
of, of, of great emotional scenes here.
Really good stuff.
So stray thoughts.
This might be the quickest
we've moved through a
Jude: third years.
I think so.
So real quick, I'll just do my
two biggest straight thoughts.
Um, man, didn't say much about
Homedale at all for having hydro Silva.
Um, so they did.
Trey: so,
Jude: um, and I can't remember
timeline-wise was address,
address, address Idris Elba.
Um, Idris Elba yet, you know, um, at
least in the U S maybe versus the UK.
And, you know, I'd have to kind of
look at that timeline in the career.
Um, but yeah, like that was kind of a man.
He could've done more with there.
Um, and we didn't really dive into
Frigga much at all, especially for.
Um, her return and end game and, you
know, and, and her, uh, coming back up
again and low-key, you know, and she
was, had her moments, but it was pretty
much a side character in this one.
Trey: Frigga I think starts to take more
of a prominent place in the dark world.
I think they really found the
emotional core with her there,
whereas kind of what we talked about
symptomatic of the time, they just
didn't really do a wonderful job.
Writing the women characters in
this movie as evident by Darcy.
Like I said, like the first few minutes
of her introduction in one division
did more for respecting her character
than this movie did because it made me
laugh where Thor's parting from them.
And he's like Jane Foster, Eric.
so that they weren't really
doing a great job on that front.
Uh, but sticking with rigor, I do want
to point out again, there's almost no
way this could have been planned, but it
is one of those just happy coincidence.
Is that in the scene, where were Odin's
given the speech about Thor becoming king?
He goes, Thor, Odin son, my first
born and it cuts to Frigga and
she's kind of rolling her eyes.
And at this point I it's
because we know of him, but they
wouldn't have known about hella.
So I thought that was just a very
lucky coincidence on their part,
Jude: unless online wash on Disney
plus, and they edited that back in
Trey: apparently Disney likes to
fiddle with the final products on their
Jude: surface.
You know, Disney did buy
Lucas films from Lucas.
Trey: So another one of my straight
thoughts, you know, you talked about.
In last week's episode where Ragnar
rock gets a little bit more credit
than it deserves on the comedy front.
I think there could be arguments to be
made that maybe Ragnar rock is funnier,
but comedy was at the humor or sorry.
Comedy was at the core
of the original things.
That entire second section is
really funny, just riddled with
physical comedy, uh, constantly
being shocked, which is ironic.
Given the God of thunder, uh,
constantly being hit by the car.
Uh, one of the scenes that stood out
to me is whenever again, that same one
where he calls everybody name and leaves.
He kisses Jane on the hand.
And then as he walks away, Eric Selvig
and Darcy don't know what to do.
So they kind of do like this half
halfback and they're both like confused.
And then the final one, I point out
that it made me laugh so much is when
they decide that they're going to
go find DOR in the background, Darcy
starts loading her tastes just silently.
So this movie is a lot funnier than
Jude: people.
It is.
Uh, so yeah, you hear that narrative
of tight Tyco wanting to, to save Thor.
I don't, he wasn't saving
them from Bronto, you know,
so maybe it was dark world.
Dare I dare say Josh Wheaton
Trey: made him interesting.
I think Avenger's door has a
little bit more humor to it.
Like straight up, not physical comedy.
So it's like actually cracking jokes.
Oh, well he's adopted kind of thing, but
I think he got too serious and dark work.
That'd be something to keep in mind when
we get there and see, cause I can't think
of any Thor jokes in the second one.
Not, not like, uh, any jokes at all.
Just jokes that Thor makes
Jude: age of Ultron.
What do you think?
The, there was the one where he, where
at the end and he was like stalling.
So vision could come in and hit
him with the hammer with Mila.
Trey: I'm trying to think.
I feel like there's some
and party the party scene.
Jude: There's
Trey: just not a lot, but
I can't quite place it.
Jude: No, not enough.
That, that it clearly it's
not rememorable right.
This moment.
Trey: So I wonder if
that's the difference.
There is humor, but the character
himself became funny in Ragnarok.
So that'll be something fun to chart as
he continued through these interviews.
All right.
Finally, my last stray thought.
And I tried to Google.
This is a quick cursory, Google search.
I didn't actually delve too deep, but
I couldn't find a straight answer.
Why is Hawkeye in this movie other
than, other than trying to build
Jude: that world?
That's the only reason why I think
is, is the building the world,
like you said, that that cohesive,
we know of injuries is coming.
Trey: Yeah.
It sticks out to me every, I think I
remember watching it for the first time.
He'd been like, okay, that's kinda weird.
This guy's getting a lot of screen
time for being a nameless Archer.
And it seems just like not cohesive
with like the SWAT ask military people.
And then I didn't think anything
of it, it sticks out a lot more
now that we know who Clint is,
especially after the hot guy series.
Jude: Well, it's funny
you bring all that up.
One of the things I'll just go throw this
in as my last stray thought that whole
sequence definitely had a different,
uh, feel watching it after watching.
Cause this is the one where, um,
Hank Pym goes through and it was
through this sequence because
this is where Hawk I shot him.
Trey: Yeah.
That stood out to me the scene where
Loki multiplies himself also takes a
form in that same episode with Hank Pym.
Uh, I forgot.
I think it's party, Thor opens
up with Jane and them in the van.
And so that was brought up there
and sit and party Thor as well.
Whenever Jane and Thor
headed to reclaim the hammer.
It's not a one for one, but it's that
similar vibe of that conversation?
Where, and the, what if I specifically
remember thinking like, okay, here's
going to be the moment where they
dunk on the first door for having this
weird, forced relationship, because
it's like, why is she into this guy?
That's clearly not great.
And the, just us, what door did.
It's it's, it's funny now, going
back after seeing what, if, how
that starts to all intermingle?
Well, cool.
Uh, I, I think that might do
it for our Thor retrospective
Jude: review.
I think so.
I enjoyed it.
I, you know, it's, it's funny.
Cause you, you mentioned
the feeling of the pressure.
And I probably said, I
said this on pipe, I think.
And it definitely off part of
doing this after having this beat
homecoming, is it my favorite MCU movie?
No, but I still think it's a solid entry.
I really enjoyed the rewatch.
It really thinks there's a
lot of good things there.
Trey: It's an, it's a interesting
capsule of the MCU getting off
the ground, running kind of thing.
You see things working, you see
what doesn't work and you see what
carries on through, through the frame.
What's so funny and I'm glad you
keep, you brought it up of, it's
a good fit that we're doing this.
After last week, we had already recorded
the bracket episode when we decided to
do this, but it had not been out yet.
So we made this decision before
we saw people's reactions and I'm
going, the first ones was like
Jude: fun.
There's a lot of fun.
Trey: Yeah, well, unless you've got
any final words, I think we can go
ahead and put a bow on this episode.
Jude: Let's take it, let's take it in.
Trey: So if you'd like to reach us,
you can always reach us at MC you need
to know both on Twitter and Instagram.
Like I said, at the top of show,
I'm going to be taking a break
through the month of June, but you
go ahead and follow us on there.
Anyway, once we do get started up again.
Jude: Yeah.
And of course, long form reach
out on the, on the Gmail, uh, MCU
need to jump onto
the discord link at the below, um,
or the phone number below, give
us a voicemail, whatever works.
Um, as I said at the beginning, I think
both of us are looking to, to looking
forward to July after Trey's downtime
and on social media and the downtime
that I've taken on social media.
Um, but again, Wonderful community there.
Uh, we appreciate everyone that
listened to everyone that's
joined in, um, and continue having
that by sharing with a friend.
Trey: Yeah.
We'd also like to thank Nick Sandy
for these of our theme song, which is
his rendition of the Avengers theme.
You buy more of his, we're going
to SoundCloud, which is linked
in the show notes as well.
Well, that's going to do it.
Thank you so much for listening and June.
Thank you so much for doing this.
We'll see you all next week with Ms.
I can't wait.
Jude: I'm so excited.
Trey: Bye
So, yeah, you look to the
side, you looked mystique.
Jude: cause.
That was, I was all of a
sudden, you mentioned Ms.
Marvel to take an old guest, Ms.
Who do we?
Trey: Oh, we still got
to settle on guests.
So I think we never talked about
it, but I think you're right.
Pull back and then see
how we feel for Seahawks.
So three this year, this year,
this semester, this season,
Jude: the season of miss Mormon.
I'm not even a
Trey: teacher.
Jude: You should have to go get,
go get, do a low stakes thing.
Get like your teaching media certification
Trey: show up first day of class.
Just turn it off.
No media read a book.
Jude: We are going to it's for
mental health, take downtime
from October through November.
Rolling away into Christmas.
Trey: Every every class day, it'll just
be an hour of you just getting to unclog.
And that's what I want
you to know about media.
Just stay away.
Jude: Do you have any homework?
Yeah, I'm just going to turn my stuff off.
Trey: All right.
Class today's homework tweet and
don't look how many likes it gets.
Just let it exist.
That's its own place.
Do not deride self-worth
from fake internet points.
Jude: You're going to break FOMO today.
I mean, why do you turn off your stuff?
Because I just heard something big broke.
I can tell you what it is, the
Trey: world's ending, but you're
going to have to wait until the
five o'clock news to find out what.
Creators and Guests

As always, share with a friend
and shout out Nick Sandy