Spidey and His Amazing Friends Review S1E1: The Best Marvel Project Ever??
Trey: hello and welcome back
to another episode of MCU.
Need to know a podcast dedicated
to the Marvel cinematic universe
and everything you need to do.
Um, the tap stream.
Jude: using our made up
names and I'm J Hubud.
How are you doing tap?
Trey: I gotta be honest.
I am not as excited as I normally am.
Just because Moonlight was a lot more
violent than we were anticipating.
Jude: Yeah.
It was rough.
It was super rough.
I didn't get, I didn't
get through it in one
Trey: lunch.
It's surprising how quickly
that white costume turned out.
Not to be white by the end.
Jude: Right?
Just the blood tripping off of it
before I wasn't expecting marvels
version of saving private Ryan,
you know, it just, it just wasn't.
Trey: yeah, I think that might be
the most diplomatic way to put it,
especially given what we are going
to be talking about here today.
Uh, If you downloaded this episode,
you know, we're going to be talking
about spidey and his amazing friends.
This idea really was sparked when I was
hanging out with my younger nephew and we
watched this and I immediately had to text
you and be like, we need to cover this.
This might be the answer to how
uncomfortable we were with moon night.
Jude: Yeah.
But, and I think you're spot on.
Like, I went to it, I signed in,
uh, got her my youngest account.
Cause it's, you know, it's in the
kid's version and stuff, but like, I
think, I think when it first started,
my jaw dropped, I was actually
surprised at how well done it was.
Trey: I think we're both super excited.
Why don't we go ahead and jump into
the spoiler zone so we can go ahead
and discuss it in full detail?
Yeah, let's do that.
So we're going to go ahead and jump there.
You're going to hear an audio cue
and on the other side, it'll be fair
game for all spoilers in the MC.
We'll see you on the other side
and we're back.
So the way we're gonna break this down is
essentially there are two main stories.
In this episode, you have spidey to the
power of three and Panther patients.
So Jude, I'm gonna throw it a year.
Within these two stories.
Where would you like to start?
Jude: I, first thing I do is I got
a shout out to the intro music.
Cause I mean, it's a kid show.
And the way they were able to
target the audience correctly.
So like, I mean, that was my big draw.
Thinking about growing up
how old I was, you know, um,
sitting there maybe with my kid.
And that appeal to like this gen
Z Zoomer kind of people with the
whole fallout boy feel on the song
like that stood out right away.
Like it was just, I actually almost
broke out into that, that hit song
of theirs that, you know, going down,
down swinging or whatever it's called.
It brought me back.
Like I love it when, when
the shows do that and give us
something for, you know, for us.
Trey: Right.
Like nothing screams gen Z
to me like Patrick stump.
So pitch perfect pick.
I couldn't agree more.
And just the way that you, they like
captured the personality of the three
spider heroes within the theme song.
So from the get go, we already know
who these characters are and it's
just, this, this show is firing on all
cylinders from, from the beginning.
Jude: Super strong start.
Trey: about.
I think what I love so much about
that first part, sticking with
the spidey to the power of three.
So much of this episode is about them
coming together as a team, right?
And before we can get to that moment
where they are working together, we
need to see a little bit of conflict.
So the fact that this show smartly
pairs, the inability of them to
work as a team with their favorite
flavors of ice cream, that is just.
Amazing writing.
I can't imagine a well, a better written
scene to get these characters on screen.
Jude: Well, you know what?
And first off, and then just, you
know, side note, the choices of
ice cream are really good vanilla.
Like those are great flavors.
Trey: Just, they are
chocolate chip all the way.
Jude: cherry vanilla.
Trey: That's fine.
Jude: we liked the episode, right.
We just need to work
together and have them all.
Trey: Hey, maybe by the end
of this episode, we'll be
able to work on the same page.
And not just not to spoil it.
They do get to the right answer.
Just eat all the ice cream,
Jude: just have all ice cream.
Trey: What a great lesson.
Jude: I know.
Um, I will say something else that
really stuck out to me, especially
when I had the song going.
Could you see Kamala Khan see black
Panther, you know, so you get a sense
of who is going to show up in the show
while the cast was kind of male heavy.
It was still pretty well diverse,
which was, I was happy to see.
Trey: Yeah.
So we have Peter Parker,
Gwen, Stacy miles Miralis.
And then as you mentioned,
Kamala Khan, whole black Panther.
And as far as I can tell, I think
those are the only variations of
the heroes that we've seen so far.
Um, but kind of on that same vein,
I wanna, I want to pose this.
Do you think this is the best rendition
of rhino that we've seen so far?
Jude: Probably.
I mean the only one I can
prayer to is Paul Giamatti and
I, I think he's a good actor.
And he probably was just
doing what he was told.
But he was, he was kind of
ridiculous compared to this one.
Trey: Yeah.
The suit was so ridiculous and the amazing
Spider-Man and then in this, it just
feels a lot more in line with the world.
Jude: Yeah.
And it was, it was a little bit
more like a streamlined suit.
Well, it didn't, it felt, it
felt like StarTech, right?
This streamline nice rhino suit.
Um, yeah, it was, it was really good.
I liked the spider Gwen suit, uh, as well.
Um, it just from the comic, I
had a little bit more color.
It was slightly different.
Um, but you know, that was pretty.
So what'd you think of
the animation style?
Just in general
Trey: animation style?
I think it's what I want to see from
now on and the Marvel animated projects.
Every, uh, uh, Marvel zombies,
uh, whatever comes next.
And what if season two, uh,
Spider-Man freshman year.
This is the style that I want to really.
I love it so much.
It's just captures that excitement with B.
A very unique take, I think.
Jude: Yeah, no I, okay.
I get that amateur style is where
I was really kind of tripping up.
Um, yeah, it felt very
doc McStuffins to me.
Um, and I feel like with these heroes and
the stories they want to tell it needed
to be a little bit more miraculous.
Tales of ladybug and cat in a war.
They're a little bit older.
But you still kind of have that style.
They're a little bit taller.
Um, I get worried a little bit, cause
like the younger, they are in this
animation style, there's this whole,
how do they thread the needle of like,
you're really getting into this kind of.
Parental guardian neglect on it may
is part of how young they are here.
So like animation styles, they
would've got a little bit bigger.
I think, I think that
would have helped me.
Um, but I get that, like,
it, it works for you.
It didn't work for me.
I get that, but it didn't
take me full out of this.
Trey: You know what I'll go out on that
limb with you, because it's not something
I thought about until I heard you put
it into words, but there is some weird,
like I think to challah and the second
story is supposed to be older than Peter
Parker yet they're the same height and
they're both shorter than aunt Mae.
So then it's just like this
weird, the heroes are tiny, which
Jude: is fine.
I got a question for you may.
I've noticed they're sticking
with the trend of a younger age.
Is this, do you think kind of some, I
dunno, like critique representation maybe
of from this like feminist perspective
that like single moms or single
parental figures that are female, like,
Hey, let's drop this stigma already.
Well, I can
Trey: remember when Marissa Tomi was
cast in Spider-Man homecoming held
the whole conversation was about
how much of a younger aunt she was.
As a young uncle, like I've
never seen any problem in it.
Like you're right there.
There's, there's young
aunts and uncles out there.
Jude: I'm with you.
Like, I, I like this Trint,
um, especially that second one.
I know we haven't got to the second one
yet, but you know, there was, there's
very like hippy hives with this one.
Um, like, like a really leaned into
young and me, um, and hands down,
this is the best suit of secret.
We've seen period.
Trey: This isn't the first trio
of spider heroes that we've seen
unite within the last, what?
But I'm with you.
This is the best trio seen of
spider powers depicted on screen.
So 100%.
And look, I, I know I go to this well, so
many times once they start finally working
together as a team, I gotta be honest.
I started crying.
Like, it was just so good that I
couldn't hold back the tears and
it just started, it was welling up.
Jude: Well, you know what got me.
The trend, uh, we see no way home
and I knew the word recycling.
I don't think that's the best
recite the word to use, but they're
recycling or reusing the best stuff
from the previous Spider-Man shows.
And like, that was what
really just that got me right.
There was kind of a.
You know, kinda the tearing up thing.
It was just like, cause
around it, I took it.
I like detailed notes on this one,
around four minutes, Peter says the
thing you have to work together.
Think when and miles proceed
to take off on their own.
Um, you know, and two things that
stood out to me on that, Hey, it's
like, oh, we're kind of doing the same
thing of like, Hey, I'm an Avenger.
And you know, and they
have to work together.
And Peter telling them that,
um, It was a little bit again,
this whole like, oh great.
The white male again, has to like
be the leader and reasonable one.
Um, you know, diversity only goes
so far, but you know, I, I did
like that the, the little Amash is
right there like that, you know?
Um, yeah.
You know,
Trey: I look, I didn't want to be the
party pooper this week, but for all the
great work that they did with showing us.
This team that's disbanded at the
beginning and coming together towards the
end, after they've learned the lesson,
I really feel like they take away from
the narrative by having Tracy in here.
They're a little spider bot.
Like it just, it disrupts
all the lessons learned.
And so it doesn't feel earned to me.
And I kinda just wish they would let them
work as a team rather than calling in
the reinforcements of their little bot.
Jude: Yeah, I get that.
Thank you.
That they, they can do it on their own.
Trey: Yeah.
Otherwise what's the point of.
Jude: yeah.
So I have a question for you and
two more, little straight dots.
Um, first.
The other homage to the Raimi.
Spider-Man when Toby cut all the
food on the tray and then Peter
Parker here does that with a
food cart, with a hot dog cart.
That was really cool.
Um, he
Trey: gets a slight nod to
the comment cover, right?
Where he's like holding up like a
building and he's holding up the
Jude: cart here.
Yeah, I think so.
Um, miles swinging backwards.
It's probably the best and most impressive
Spider-Man skills I've ever seen.
Like he's like shooting the webs
backwards and swinging backwards
and like talking miles is fantastic.
Um, and then I'm just curious, looking
at the accuracy of New York, do you
think they just use the PS4 game?
General thing and then just like dumb
down or water down that might not be
the best word because the animation
was good, but like to get the accuracy
of New York, do you think you just
use that old map from that game?
Trey: I have spent so many hours
in that Spider-Man PS4 game.
It honestly felt like I had the
controller back in my hand again.
So I think you're spot on
and I get what you mean.
It's not necessarily dumbed down, but it's
kind of fitting within the presentation
rapper that they've chosen to go with.
And again, I talked about it.
I wouldn't mind seeing the Marvel project.
Use this style, man, and Somnia, you
need to use this for Spiderman too.
Like I want to see this
style in the PS five.
Jude: Uh, I get, like you said
earlier, imagine the, what
ifs zombies like this amazing.
Trey: Drawn like
Jude: this ultra like, oh
Trey: gosh, Kevin FYGI.
If you're listing.
Where you can hire us.
We've got ideas.
Jude: I know we will help for
Trey: yeah.
For pay that's the important part.
Well, it feels like we have
really gone through all the ins
and outs of the first story.
Uh, switching over to me,
you know, we talked so often.
About the distinguishing factor of what
the brain wants and what the heart wants.
So brain is what the
character thinks they want.
The heart is what they
actually need to learn.
So this second part of the story is a
pitch perfect, uh, employment of that
kind of philosophy and writing because
you have Peter Parker who wants to meet.
To Charla because he's so excited to meet
one of his heroes, but what his heart
needs is to actually learn patience.
And we see how he, you know, forgets to
hug it, make by, he runs into that stand.
So once he gets to the point where
he's able to learn patience, they
have really brought this story circle
to complete end by the end of this
Jude: episode.
Well, and it's interesting because
the first one he has to learn.
The teamwork and working together.
And it's like, oh, you have that.
But then, okay, tap the brakes.
I get so excited.
You know, if you're running into
quickly, you can work with a team.
So there's another element of teamwork
that while he he's figured out
teamwork in the beginning, he has
to learn other elements that would,
you know, improve that teamwork.
Trey: Yeah, it is the first part takes
the lesson of being that sort of compass.
Like the lead compass.
They're working as a team, but I mean,
he's the one dictating, all right.
On three, let's do this.
Whereas in the second episode, he's really
learning how to follow orders as well.
So being a team is not just being deleter.
It's also knowing when to.
Listen and contribute as well.
So shifting, shifting to, to challah,
I think to, to employ that lesson was a
really great move on this show's part.
And it shows that like
they're invested, right.
These aren't just tiny vignettes.
They are carrying over
from episode to episode.
Jude: Yeah.
Now I, I had more issues with this
episode than I did the other one,
like story circle wise, all of
that's there, you know, right on.
Um, I was just surprised.
Peter didn't his
spidey-sense didn't go off.
And doc Hawk was in the room, you know?
Um, and I just, I don't have a
hard time seeing to Charla selling
toy vibranium for economic gain.
Like just seems exploitative.
Um, but like I get it.
I mean, that's pretty much the
MacGuffin for this story, right.
The cat toy vibranium
and the actual vibranium.
So I get story-wise where you, it
has to be done, but it's like, what
are you saying about your challah?
That's probably not something
what to shallow would do.
You know?
So that's kind of my two
things that kind of jumped out.
Uh, but I mean, the story
of patients like that,
Trey: Well, I'll go out on that
limb with you because we talk
about it all the time, right?
Like you're writing to a moment
rather than it being a moment that
feels natural to the characters.
So even though it serves the story,
it doesn't feel like to Charla.
So I'm so glad that you decided to point.
And if I can, I will cause I'm
a little sentimental for this.
If I can go to bat for that moment with
Peters, since it's not going off for
duck, I think it does set up for that
moment after he's made the mistake of
trying to go in too quickly on doc and
she gets away and to tell it has to
explain to him again about being patient.
You see at may come in and to me, it's
just such great visual storytelling.
That the moment the lesson is internalized
for Peter Parker and may as the one who
walks in, who was the original person to
instill, or at least try to instill that
Jude: lesson to Peter.
That makes sense.
I love that you you're, that
you're laying that out there.
Cause it, it makes complete sense.
Well, you notice where they may,
they had another Amash to the.
How so, well, the, the fight between
Garfield Spider-Man and lizard with Stan
Lee in the library and had the headphones
on, and he didn't know what was going on
in the background and may was doing the
same thing, but this time was the museum.
It looked like it was another, it
was like, gosh, it was a fantastic,
Trey: this is really a love
letter to all Spider-Man fans.
Like it is taking all the inspirations
and putting it into one show.
So I got one more thing I want
to say before we move on to
listeners, uh, first takes as well.
So I'll say mine, if you've got
one, you can go in and throw it out.
There'll be super quick.
So real quick look, I know we're at the
beginning of the season, I'm going to
start gathering my grains of sand, but I'm
going to combine both of the stories here.
Whenever they get rid of rhino,
the way they're able to apprehend
them as they sort of do this whip
motion where it spins rhino around,
and that's how he gets in capacity.
They do that again with black
Panther, whenever he uses a doc ox
tentacles to apprehend her as well.
I think they might be foreshadowing,
some kind of Western villain
here by the end of the season.
And again, I know grains of
sand, but I've just, I've,
there's a lot of whipping action.
So I just feels like
it's Invoca and Cowboys.
Jude: Oh, yeah.
Trey: cool.
Look, I don't get into comic comic
book knowledge, so I, I don't know if
there's any Western heroes or villains,
but they're doing something here for
Jude: sure.
Now they're building, you
can tell they are building.
So yeah, you got a couple of things.
My two, um, this time and the
second watch I noticed in the
suit up, if it comes on like nano.
Which was really cool.
I always just kind of came onto him.
I thought it was weird though, that
the, on the mask was an actual mask and
not nanotech and the rest was nanotech.
Um, I don't know, budgeting choices.
I don't know who knows what that
was about, but it was cool that
it kind of came on, but nanotech,
and I believe they're hinting
Trey: at Tony stern.
Jude: Yeah.
I felt like we got to Stan Lee cameo.
How so?
I, that kind of looked like Stan Lee, who
he bought the right brand named cat toy.
Yeah, good.
Go back and check it out.
Trey: I'll go on that limb with you.
He's also the person
with the hot dog stand.
Jude: Then there
Trey: has to be 100%.
Stan Lee cameo.
Jude: I'm so glad to get those back.
Trey: I missed.
So am I it's, it's an, it's a nice
way to attribute what, what they did
and they don't, that's very subtle.
They don't call too much attention to it.
Well, I think that's going to
do it for our deep dive into
spidey and his amazing friends.
But before we go, we are going
to get some listeners first take.
So we did reach out on social
media to see what everybody else
thought about this episode as well.
Uh, so this first one comes
in from TK over on Zynga.
And she says spidey and his amazing
friends is full of big ideas.
The theme of friendship is firmly
established in episode one, despite
their differing disagreements over who
has cooler powers, the spidey team comes
together to stop rhino powerful stuff.
And I have to agree with TK with a
Jude: hundred percent, then
it is to, to come to overcome.
Yourself and become selfless, amazing,
uh, seeing Peter Miles and Gwen working
together again, makes me excited
for the future of the spider verse.
Uh, the nods to the history of
Spider-Man while also introducing new
tech and collaboration has definitely
got me hooked and wanting more.
Uh, this comes from leach
and, uh, she sent it.
Oh, how nice.
Yeah, I'm glad I just made
it in time for the episode.
Trey: She has impeccable timing for real.
Oh, finally, this last one comes in
from friend Daniel over on MySpace and
it reads three words fall out, boy.
And I'm like we said, very beginning
of this episode, you called it
Jude: spot on.
Like, that's just the initial jump out.
I'm so glad he saw that.
Um, cause again, that was Chuck.
Trey: I got to say, dude, I'm so excited.
We've decided to go this route.
It's it's I can't wait to cover more.
Jude: man, this is, it just
feels fresh and exciting.
Trey: 100%.
Well, if you'd like to reach us with
any of your spidey and his amazing
friends takes, you can always reach
us at MC you need to know on Twitter
and Instagram or write us an email.
We'd love to hear what you
thought about this masterpiece.
Jude: And of course, scroll down to
the bottom, click on the discord.
You can have, um, conversations.
The MCU and spiting, amazing friends,
make sure you click on the role of sign.
So you get all the spoiler chat
for spiting has amazing friends,
um, hop on there and let us know if
you see the other spider Amash is.
Trey: And if there's any others, Marvel.
I'll just say Marvel in general
shows of this ilk, let us know.
We'd be happy to cover it.
Oh, absolutely.
We'd like to thank Nick Sandy for
the use of our theme song, which is
his rendition of the vendor's theme.
You can find more of his work
on a SoundCloud, which is linked
in the show notes as well.
Well, that's going to do it.
Thank you so much for listening and Jude.
Thank you so much for doing this.
Thank you tab.
We'll see you all next week.
Oh man, dude, I, again, what a great idea.
I don't know why we hadn't
thought of this before.
This would have been so much easier,
Jude: right?
Like, like we were struggling to find
topics or topic episodes, and this
was on Disney plus the whole time, the
Trey: whole time.
There's no other show that we have
previously covered and have not finished.
That is also on Disney plus to do
so this one would have been perfect.
All right.
It's been like six hours.
Let's go ahead and stop here.
Cause I got a lot of editing
to get this one done.
Jude: There's going to be a lot of cuts.
Trey: Yeah, probably we shouldn't have
gone on that tangent about how it actually
ties into the United States constitution.
Jude: I know, I know.
Creators and Guests

As always, share with a friend
and shout out Nick Sandy