The Meta Episode 5
Trey: hello and welcome back
to another episode of MCU.
Need to know a podcast dedicated to the
Marvel cinematic universe and everything.
And you need to know I'm Trey.
Jude: I'm Jude.
I'm doing
Trey: pretty fantastic, man.
I, uh, you know, we originally put out
on social media that we were going to be
doing an episode covering the villains
and the Marvel cinematic universe.
And specifically when the, when
Marvel fixed its villain problem.
Uh, but due to some technical
difficulties, we've had to pivot
and in the scrambling for a top.
I got to say, now that the dust
is settled, we're doing this.
I'm pretty excited to get into this one.
Jude: Yes.
It's this topic is like I
said, like I said, like I said,
referring back to a conversation
that the audience has not heard.
Trey: we do that all the time.
They're called in tags.
Jude: Yes.
Are we that rusty.
Hold on.
Trey: is where we just recorded.
Jude: What was I going to say?
God, I'm so lost right now.
Why that throw me off so bad?
Trey: So we start
Jude: over.
No, I can salvage it.
This is a question.
I think we were talking before we
started recording about how much this
comes out with the Disney plus shows.
And I think going all the way back
to the ABC shows and, and the Netflix
shows and seeing at least this attempted
once before, it was kind of fun to talk
about it as those shows were going on.
But now that we're in this kind
of a content break and I would
argue like such a drastic.
For Moonlight, what we're going
to get in the near future, because
this is a completely new character.
Whereas the previous shows
had previous characters like.
Revisiting, how is this going to work?
I think is, is always a fascinating topic.
Trey: 100%.
Plus I want to make sure we, we are rusty.
Jude: What happened?
Trey: I got toured because I wanted
to follow up from that, but I didn't
want to get too far down without doing
the spotlight for the other podcast.
So yeah, I think what I want
to do and we can change this.
We need to, I want to be
like, yeah, of course.
So if you saw the down the title, you
know, we're gonna be talking about
this, but before we jump into that,
Jude, uh, if I'm not mistaken, you
wanted to highlight this and then
that'll cue you to do your thing.
Jude: Yeah.
I think that's a good way to do it.
Oh my gosh.
I have no idea.
Are you sure?
We don't.
We're not ready for a minute.
Trey: Oh my God.
So I'm always in love with the
idea of like making each Mehta
episode different in a way, like,
like the last one, we didn't do it.
We didn't have the theme
song until like 10 minutes.
What if we just did the meta
episode in the middle of another
episode, it just bailing on it.
Jude: I think the theme song, right.
Is that more funny for
us or for the listener?
Trey: That's what the
meta episode is, baby.
Jude: I don't know
Trey: how we broke record.
I think it is.
I say, let's go for it.
And then this is the men episode.
This comes out after the, the, how
important are the Marvel shows.
Jude: Okay.
Trey: Do you have a theme song?
Jude: Oh my God.
You know.
So this is day two of a snow day for me.
And thinking about the pivots we've
had to do and like, and the naps that
I've taken in the joy of experiencing.
Not having to work and having a four-day
weekend has just been fantastic.
That might be what's getting to me.
Trey: Yeah.
Well, you know, it's so funny
because whenever, depending on what
makes it into this edit, you talked
about like, oh man, are we rusty?
Like what's going on?
And for a brief moment, I had to think
about it, but we did record last week.
It was just doing the two parter
for whatever reason through.
Oh, yeah, it was the
Jude: two-parter.
Trey: Yeah.
I say threw us off.
It threw me off for whatever reason.
Jude: I liked the fact that
we ended up with a two-parter.
I did.
I know you did.
It's okay.
Trey: Oh, the two-parter.
Yeah, that was it's
not that I didn't love.
It was, if you, if you are on our social
media, you saw, we put out the, the
conversation that we had whenever we were
debating, whether or not we wanted to
split captain America, the winter soldier
into two parts, and you were 100% correct.
That was the right decision to do because
clearly we were just so enamored with the
movie that in order to do it in one gun,
We would've had to just Quicken the pace
and not say everything we wanted to say.
So 100%, right.
You were right.
The reason that I didn't want to was
just because like, I've always felt
there is a momentum in energy whenever
it comes to any kind of media, like.
You have to, I think you have to, and
I'm gonna get us in some hot water there.
I think you have to earn two
parts, if that makes sense.
And as proud as I am to the podcast
and love everything that happened.
I didn't know if we were there yet, but
I think it turned out well, so yeah.
Jude: I get, I get that.
I get the whole earning.
I do get the whole earning two parts also
was our, that was our first two-part 100%.
So yeah, so that was, that was the other
thing is not just earning that, but, but.
Being the first time.
And I think it worked well.
Trey: It did.
Yeah, it was, uh, I think that's
what attributes to also the rust as
well is because not only was it the.
The first two part, but I mean, with
that comes, establishing new norms.
So like now we have a precedent.
Should we ever do another two-parter we
understand how we're going to handle it
and coming back, because I don't know if
it's anything that was noticeable to other
people, but it was definitely something
we talked about in the second half of
that winter soldier, we jumped straight
to it, like, hi, I'm Trey, I'm Jude.
We're going to be talking about this.
And we just picked up right
where we left off kind of thing.
Oh yeah,
Jude: yeah, yeah.
It makes sense.
Because it's so funny.
Cause we didn't, we
recorded it separately.
It wasn't like we had one long
recording and then cut it in half.
We intentionally did it separately,
but we wanted that feel of
like, of that, of that break.
And so I th I think that, I think it
worked, you mentioned what would that do
to our infinity war and in game coverage?
Two parts.
But I think looking around
like, like we're not the only.
Hi, Cassidy has done two parts on
some things, and I think that's okay.
Trey: And, and like, and I hope that
doesn't come as a diss on anybody else.
Like everybody's show has
like, it's different, right?
Like if it's built in from the
get go, that's how you do it.
I think that you have that buy-in.
So it's not like I'm trying to
say like, people that have done
episodes in parts is just like,
oh, I'm turning my nose up at them.
It's I get, I guess, overly
precious about introducing stuff.
I mean, you've been working with
me for almost two years now.
Like you, you see overly precious, like.
So, yeah, that's all that was.
Now that we have done it.
I haven't told you this yet.
This is going to be
alive reaction to it too.
Now that we have done it.
I kinda like the idea of, let's say,
for example, our next movie is Dr.
Strange, not that this one warrants
it, but let's just use these example.
We start with the first half of Dr.
Strange, we do it and that
will prompt people to what.
And then they can come back for
the finish, like the last half.
And so they will have already seen it
because as much as like, we're like,
Hey, uh, if you're following us on social
media, we're going to be covering this.
I, I recognize that a lot of
times the way people find it.
What we're doing for the first
time is through the feed.
So if it is split into two halves,
that gives the people who really are
just on the audio feed a chance to get
involved as well, and hopefully more
engaged with some of the questions
and thoughts and themes that we see
emerging within the movie itself.
Jude: Well, and it's, and it's
interesting because one of the things
you've talked about with the Disney
plus shows is you like that it's, it's.
How did you praise it is the
MCU with room to breathe.
Yeah, that's all we're doing.
Where'd you take your time to
breathe big inhale and exhale out
Trey: again two years, you know,
have little, I inhale and exhale.
I speak rapidly.
And then I just go quiet all over again.
Wait before we get too far just to set
it up because another thing I'm always
cognizant of every time we do a meta
episode is how quickly we will get
into the episode without explaining.
What's going on.
If this is your first minute episode, I
think this will be the fifth one for us.
Jude: believe so.
I'd have to look.
Yeah, pretty sure it's five.
Trey: it'll be the fifth rendition
of this quote-unquote series.
And essentially what it is, is a
break for us to talk about the show
in a meta sense and really kind of
bare all of what we're doing and the
ideas that we have about the show.
It's really opening up the.
For the listeners to have more behind the
scenes picture of what's going on and kind
of audibly, let us air out our laundry.
Jude: Yeah.
Well, and it's interesting
because I don't think a single
meta episode has been planned.
It's they've all like, it's
just a gut feel in the moment.
Like we go to record and for some
reason, despite the planning, we're just.
And not in a Headspace to do it in,
it's just kind of giving ourselves that
permission to be like, You know what
let's, let's not force something that's
that and not giving us a new treatment.
Trey: And you know, I'm not going
to out the person specifically, and
you have permission to veto this.
If we decide to, to bleep it out or cut
it, I'm not gonna out them specifically.
But the very first time we did.
There someone did message me like,
okay, that was a little pretentious.
So there's always this balancing
act of like, how do we turn it into
something that is still beneficial
to the audience, as well as being
something that is in line with what you
just said, giving that permission to
like, not force something, if we're not
feeling it or just, it is a, it is a
bridge to, to help make pivots easier.
And I think.
The first episode with that person that
messed with me was definitely right.
It was probably a little too pretentious,
but I think we have settled into
that peek behind the curtains.
Like there are no curtains in the med
episode, so yes, there's, there's your,
your introduction to what these are
Jude: welcome.
Trey: Oh, man.
This is the longest break that we've had
in the MCU since Juan division started.
And I I'll go ahead and say, it does
feel like there's been a little bit of
playing off the back foot when it comes
to coming up with topics, because despite.
The release, like we've been
consistent with the release.
I think it has been a lot of like
week of recordings and turnarounds,
where usually in these breaks, we get
a little bit more room to breathe.
Uh, how are you feeling about
where we're at right now?
Since the end of Hawkeye and right
before the start of Moonlight.
Jude: Okay.
So I'm trying to remember.
We did back last January I'm guess
we were still going through topics.
Cause we were going into Wanda vision.
And what I found, what I found fascinating
about 20, 21, thinking back to that
is okay, so pandemic happened and
we had that long stretch with no new
content, but it was like understandable.
If that makes sense.
I don't like.
I feel more, this sounds so weird,
but I feel more content starved
now than I did during that break.
And I'm wondering if that's just
20, 21, there was just so much
stuff and it was just so busy of
content, MCU content that now it's
just like what happened, you know?
Trey: I think what the difference
might be, whether it's a conscious
or subconscious thing on your
part is because we hadn't yet
experienced the new stuff in the MCU.
We still had the Daredevil
stuff to fall back on.
And so even though we switched it
up to do topic-based episodes, we
had all the intentions of going
back and starting seasoned tears.
So it was this safety net.
The difference now, Is, we could start
Daredevil season two, but because we
didn't have a concrete date on when the
next MCU project was, it was this fear of.
Do we want to start this and then be
in the middle of a season and have
to pause it for moon night and then
come back in the interim we're with
what we decided to go with, which is
to stick to the topic based episodes.
So then it becomes a little
bit harder to have to, uh, feed
those on a week to week basis.
Jude: And see, that's the thing
I still want to get back to.
Uh, Daredevil season two, three,
and least Punisher season one,
uh, because they're so good.
Well, I mean, don't get me wrong.
Jessica Jones was so good.
Uh, Luke cage was good, at least
for the Daredevil and Punisher.
There's been that.
Confirmation for Daredevil rumored
confirmation for Jon Bernthal
returning that I haven't seen
for Kristen Ritter or my culture.
So though, that's why I
would mention those for sure.
But they're so good, but when
you're right, like to do that every
week and then have that pause.
I dunno.
I dunno how, how best to make that work.
Trey: Yeah.
And we've talked about it before.
I don't think we've talked
about it on the podcast though.
There is a bit of fear.
Uh, I'll speak for me.
There's a bit of fear on my part to
commit to 13 weeks of Daredevil, which
is not an indication of the show.
Like we'd like, I know you've seen it.
You really like it.
I've seen four episodes of it.
I really liked it, but whenever.
Like content planning for MC you need
to know there is a huge commitment
to say for the next 12 weeks,
we're going to be diving into this.
And even though there is a
huge spike of people watching
Daredevil now after Hawkeye.
It's just, it's, it's hard to
pull the trigger on that, on that
decision to say, we're going to
spend these next 12 weeks doing that.
Jude: Yeah.
Yes it is.
Uh there's.
Well, it is so funny cause like this.
Just, we explained this medicine, the
med episode is for us, you know, and,
and we hope audience listeners enjoy it.
Uh, but trying to be in con and conscious
of the podcast for us because we enjoy it.
But it's also clearly for putting
it out there for other people and
we want it to be for other people.
It does.
It does make the planning of
committing to 12 weeks of this.
What topics should we use?
All of those things get impacted.
And me being me, me knowing
you, like, I know you, that's a
huge area for second guessing.
Trey: Yeah.
100%, because there's always that
idea of like, which I guess in
essence, this is what we've done.
There's always that idea of like,
all right, we can do four episodes.
Oh, man, this isn't having the turnout.
We thought it would,
let's just abandon it.
I know me.
And I think going out on that same
limb of, of, of what you just said
of knowing you, like, I think I
do, it would feel very weird for
us to just abandon Daredevil.
Uh, so that's not really an option either.
Jude: Yeah.
Oh yeah.
Well, it was like feeling, I can
say this was like, when we tried
to attempt agent Carter and it
was just like this wasn't working.
You know, we did one episode and
again, I think we've, you mentioned
that on another med episode before,
like that hasn't seen the light of day
just cause it, it just wasn't working.
It didn't feel.
It didn't feel right.
You know, and, and, and so we wanted
to make sure that we're well, like
with the two partner doing something,
it's do justice because people listen
because they're fans of the MCU and
they want to engage in this stuff.
And we're trying to be mindful.
Trey: Yeah, I, I think there's
definitely been coming up on year two.
There's been this, I don't know
if learning curves the right word,
but I think going into this, you
and I both had that, understanding
that, doing this the biggest draw.
Is the MCU, right?
We're MCA to know we're going
to be covering stuff regarding
the Marvel cinematic universe.
And so we tried to keep
as focused as we could.
Like, I know we talked about how we,
we, we broke that with Daredevil, but
we were not going to rehash that reason.
But now in year two, what I think
has been the hardest thing to
facilitate is that balancing act of.
Recognizing the biggest draw we have is
the MCU, but also trying to play too.
And I always hate having to
describe it this way, but to
us as personalities, right?
Like, like of people listening
because they like us.
And so there's always that growing pain.
And I feel like we're kind of in that.
Section right now, if that makes sense.
As far as the growth of a, of a show goes,
Jude: oh yeah.
So it's, it's
I think you put it right.
Like there's a weird personality aspect
to any content and that's just the
nature of lesbian human, you know, like,
like I can remember growing up and.
Watching local news and purely based off
a perception of the anchor and personality
of the anchor, like parents would choose
one station over the next, but it's
still the same, like local stories.
You know what I mean?
And same thing for like any content that
I consume on like YouTube or, or whatever.
You know, cause you have
multiple options to choose from.
And so, so yeah, that's the,
I mean, bringing that up,
that's the scary part of this,
Trey: the imbuing, the personality.
Jude: Well, knowing
that that's part of it.
Well, I mean, you know, I mean, like
you said, like we're always wondering,
Trey: oh man, I'm so glad you cleaned
that up because the way you were
teasing me about that on the phone.
Made it sound so much a worse.
And because I feel like I need to do it
justice and like explain to people how
it came unintentionally, a discipline,
you, uh, when you were having a phone
conversation and we were just talking
about like, I think trying to be funny.
And I mentioned like, oh, well,
you can be funny in an empty room.
And I don't think it came across clearly
that I was mentioning the Royal year.
Meaning you could make your own
self laugh, but you interpret it.
Like I would say you specifically
could go be funny in an empty room
Jude: and you're right.
I can't mean if you room.
Oh my God.
Trey: I knock them dead.
Jude: It's insane.
How much these shoes in the closet,
or it's just crazy noisy in here.
Trey: That is the fine line
between the audience and us.
They'll never understand all this
stuff that we had to edit out because
we're just killing it in here.
Jude: know.
We know there is that element,
you know, like I, I imagine
it's honestly, I've had it.
It's no different than making a movie.
So to some degree, like you're
trying to get the beach, you're
trying to get the right camera angle.
I remember talking to Taika Waititi,
talking about, you know, shooting comedy
and shooting Greg Yurok and having that
the, the, the, on the gag was it can
help and why it was important to have a
two-shot and to stay in the two-shot for.
You know, for Loki to get up and into
the frame and because that was the
funniest way to do it, and it's not easy.
Trey: Uh, I think because I've
always had a respect for how hard
it is to make movies or TV shows
or any kind of video production.
But it was really set into
perspective for me when I can't
even quote it specifically.
But a director said that making a movie
is essentially taking three or more years
of your life and getting 90 minutes of it.
And as soon as they said that,
like that has just completely
changed the way that I view.
Creating anything it's not just
restricted to, to video productions,
but even this, like, I, I an open up
a little bit here because I've talked
about how I've, you know, I've had
my own issues with mental health and
just kind of self-loathing stuff.
I remember one time I was talking
to leach and I was just a very bad
spell and I was just venting to them.
I said, oh, local man spends eight
hours talking about four hours of why
he kind of like the one hour mark.
Uh, I kind of lost the thread on that
in particular, but I wanted to make that
joke, but I it's it's it's a scary act.
I think that goes into to doing
Jude: this.
Yeah, no, there's an element.
You know, I'll share that shit.
Like the insecurities that, well, I mean
the most basic one is going to be, I've
talked to people like, oh, you should
come on to the pod because I think
it'd make a guest to be knowledgeable.
And pretty much the response is, I
don't know if I can hear my own voice.
So like, that's the first insecurity I
have to, to just deal with and let go.
But there's others like, like
my main one, my entire life has
just been this fear of this.
I don't know how else to put it like
this intellectual inferiority and so
going and like overly talking about
something that in the grand scheme
of things, the MCU could be trivial.
You know what I mean?
Like, um, but wanting to talk about
it and taking the content seriously,
cause the creators take it seriously.
The actors who love these characters and,
and really try to for the fans and the
original creators, bring these characters.
Do you take it seriously, right?
Like, and again, not, I'm not saying
it's seriously in the sense of like
I'm watching, you know, a reenactment
of world war two, like band of
brothers or something, but they take
the muster raw material seriously.
And, and so wanting to talk
about that as a fan, as someone
who loves it and try to bring.
My thoughts and take on it.
That is really scary.
You know,
Trey: to go out on that limb with you,
like, I've definitely noticed an uptick
in it and I've been trying on me.
I should clarify real quick
for, I go too far, an uptick in.
No, no, I read no, no, go
be funny in an empty room.
Uh, now I'm sorry.
Jude: I've noticed that on a t-shirt
Trey: I've noticed an uptick in me
and the way I will coach something
that I'm about to say by saying, yeah,
Jude: I either lost you or
you fell out of your chair.
I heard something.
It was like, I heard some noise
and then I didn't hear you at all.
Like you just popped in.
And so I was like, did
you fall out of his chair?
Like as a
Trey: tangent, I didn't hear what you,
as a tangent here, what you were saying.
I'm so glad that we are doing this
instead of the other episode, because
there has been some cutouts between us.
So I, it would have been really hard
to follow you in a non minute episode.
Jude: I
Trey: know man.
But no, to get back to what I was saying.
I've noticed an uptick on me personally,
and the way that I will coach something.
I'm about to say by saying, I
understand it's just a Marvel show.
It's trivial, it's a Marvel
thing in the grand scheme thing.
Like I've been doing that more.
And I kind of, I don't want to stop.
Like, I think there are instances where
it is good to set that expectation, but
not trivialize the things we want to say.
Does that mean.
Jude: No, it makes sense.
Um, cause there's this element of, I
think it's walking this fine line of it's
there's there's this element of being an
escapist and these characters speak to
so many people and resonate with so many
people, um, in various ways, like we've
joked about one of my students who does.
Like Sean cheat.
You know, and that you love Sean cheat.
Um, and the reality is like, that's a fine
that movie doesn't have to work for him.
And it's just does wonders and connects
with you on so many different levels.
Uh, you know, and, and, and,
and that's, and that's great,
but there's, there's also this
element of, you know, when is it?
I don't wanna say going too
far cause that's not right.
But when is that, that barrier,
like you said, of like, Hm.
I dunno, I, as I'm thinking this
through my comment, I think that line
is becoming more and more blurred.
And I think that these are
far more important than we
sometimes even get credit for.
If I get in the grand scheme of
things, this is a Marvel movie and
we can talk about either bigger,
greater issues right within the world.
But thinking about like some of the
controversies coming around, casting.
Or recasting to challah or not
the diversity we have started
seeing in casting, um, and
character choices in like Hawkeye.
Predominantly women in black
widow, uh, all of those types
of things, those aren't trivial.
You know?
And so, and so it's hard.
So in that sense, that, that line of it.
Oh, it's just a Marvel movie is it does
blur a lot, especially when you hear
things about people who take their kid
and they're like, oh, that's they, they.
That looks like me, or it looks
like us or things like that.
And so, so even that, trying
to that context, it's, it's,
I, I feel that tension you're
Trey: talking about.
It's a weird place to be in because,
and I'll try and thread this
needle here, the content itself.
I can see how that is.
Trivial it's superhero shows the
reaction that it spurs from people,
genuine reaction of like seeing
themselves in it is not trivial and
because of our fandom and because
of our ambitions of starting this
podcast, we have found ourselves at that
crossroads of, of both of those worlds.
And there is some level of
responsibility of threading that needle.
Jude: Oh, yeah.
Trey: That's probably why we make jokes
about like, let's just quit every week
Jude: behind the curtains.
So, what did you do this?
Like, I was, I got it.
Trey: Yeah.
That's, that's a, that
is become a mainstay.
And I think it's gotten to the point
where it is planned innovation, where we
are leaning into it, but it was funny.
We both felt that like, oh, we're making
this joke a lot more than we used to.
Jude: Yeah.
But I mean, if we say that as you know,
it sounds like, oh, we don't enjoy it.
No, this is not the case, but it is one
of the things where it sounds so crazy,
but it's the wanting to do a good job.
And you're like, okay, so what's next?
What do we do next?
And trying to plan out, uh, the
next couple of months who, you know,
who to bring on as guests who not
just as a first time, but even,
even, you know, the recurring and.
You know, and making
sure we get that right.
And, and all of that.
So it's, it is something that, you
know, week to week and knowing our
personalities, we're very, both
of us, um, are very different, but
also very the same in the sense of
like, oh, we got to get this right.
So, yeah.
Trey: I'm going to set this up and
you again have veto power if we
don't want to talk about this, but
when better do we want to talk about
how we had a fight in this podcast?
The start of this?
The whole changing the show.
Jude: Oh, sure.
I was thinking about like
Mandalorian and Booka Bubba fat.
Oh no.
I know what you're talking about.
Trey: So what better way to bring it up?
So a few weeks ago, uh, we got into
this position where, and I'm going
to, again, stage this carefully.
We're happy with what we've
made, but also recognize there
are ways that we can improve.
And we were in this gap between
Hawkeye and moon night where we're
like, now's the time to do it.
Let's figure out how we're going to
make these changes that we want to
hopefully better the show before we
kick things off again with moon night
and we're back in that Marvel cycle.
And that got a lot more heated than
we thought I thought, because we
ended up having to have a phone call
and like air it out, back and forth.
And it's so like, cause we always
tease about how like, oh, you know, we,
we fought on the show, like he liked
Loki and he, yeah, he liked low-key
and he didn't, or he likes talking to
a mineral soldier and he didn't, but
this was like a genuine like, oh, we're
butting heads over creative differences.
Jude: It's so funny.
Cause I texted you the next morning.
How are you doing?
Are you okay?
She's like, yeah, I'm fine.
I was like, dude, don't do that.
I'm asking.
Well, I
Trey: don't think I told you because I
started, I started like, yeah, I'm fine.
And I started typing, typing,
typing, and I was like, wait,
let me go reread what you said.
And it was in that next day.
Clarity of rereading.
And I guess we can't get too much further.
Are you comfortable talking about
what, what big decision we were.
Jude: Yeah.
Trey: Yeah.
So, yeah, cause again, I, there was
Jude: you know what I
mean, listening to it now.
When it drops to this drops on
Monday, like we're just going
to kick on, like, that was a big
decision, like this far removed.
Trey: That's why we can
Jude: talk about it now.
Fred, Fred, Daniel's going to, you
know, and leach and you're gonna
be like, what really even made
Trey: it this morning.
It's like, oh, they're doing this again.
So one of the big chains.
And this also ties into
what we're talking about.
What's the line between
MCU or personality driven?
One of the changes that I pitched
is I wanted to tighten things
up so far that whenever we do
the hello, I'm Trey, I'm doing.
I wanted to jump right into the topic.
Like I just forego the banter, just get
right to the point of what the episode is.
And so rereading the conversation that
we had the next day I could see now
that it was just anger on my part,
that misinterpreted what you said.
So to circle back to what you were
saying, I was like, no, don't do that.
I was in the middle of typing along,
out, uh, pointing finger kind of thing.
But after taking the time to like
reread, it was like, no, I, I
understand what you're saying now.
And then we ended up
talking later that day.
You said, we're gonna listen to this
Monday and hear how trivial it is.
I'm listening to me now.
Now it's revealed.
Jude: Yeah.
Well, you know, I mean, it's okay.
Like it's, it happens.
Um, you know, just like I said, creative
differences, I had different ideas of
what well, and it's so funny to me cause.
We had the same idea, just
wanted it executed differently.
You know, and it was good.
I mean, we needed, we needed that, that
overnight sleep to, to return to it.
Um, but yeah,
Trey: but yeah, I, it was funny to me
that I didn't think we could get out.
Like if the meta episode truly is a peek
behind the curtain, I don't think we could
get out of that one without letting people
know that we had our first podcast bites.
Jude: Yeah.
Which is so funny.
It's so funny.
It's like, it does make me wonder,
like, just listening to other
podcasts, you know, that have.
Consistently a payer, how often that
might happen with them, you know, um,
versus if it's just, you know, the
Royal you alone, you know what I mean?
Like, well, I'll say it like, like,
like what TK and so creatively,
I'm sure she has her people.
She talks to you and ask for
advice and, and all that.
But ultimately it comes down
to, she decides, and for us it's
very much, are we both on board?
And so I'm just wondering, you know,
how often that happens with other.
Trey: casters, the two things, I'll
say the first one, it reminds me.
I mean, isn't it like, uh, like,
uh, an out there open secret that
the host of MythBusters actually
hated each other kind of thing.
Kind of like, you never really know
what the back end side of it is because
all you hear is the final product.
On top of that, you know, you, you
related as to TK, that is something
that has been an adjustment for me
because the previous projects that
I've done before, it was just me.
So it was always like that, like,
okay, I've decided to do this
thing now I'm going to do it.
And it is something that I'm constantly
trying to be conscious of because I never
want it to be like, I never want you to
feel second fiddle, if that makes sense.
Like, I really try and
make sure your loop.
I don't feel like that
meant you were sweet.
You may be so scared.
No, like I'm so I'm so scared.
Like I want to make sure that
it feels equal to you too.
Like it's not like, oh, a hundred percent.
Cause I mean, like I,
I have that tendency.
I will run away with an idea.
And it's been, I don't even
want to say an adjustment more.
Cause I feel like we've gotten to
a pretty good status that fight
pending, but it feels it was
an adjustment for me, for sure.
To go to that partnership
when it comes to a project.
Jude: Yeah.
No, and that, and that makes sense.
And, um, and it's so weird from the TV
station and what I do now as a teacher,
I'm used to being in collaborative
roles and creatively function
better that way than just by myself.
So in that sense, like it was it's, it's
what I'm used to, if that makes sense.
So it's so funny.
You said people of the heart behind
the curtains and the MythBusters.
When I worked at the TV station, I
remember so vividly, and this was 2001.
I want to say.
I don't think it was 2000,
it might've been 2001.
And like literally like new year's Eve
broadcasting that, you know what I mean?
I think it was that I could be wrong.
So let me just drop the year.
Because it's irrelevant, I guess, but
the two main anchors were so angry with
each other yelling or not on speaking
terms, but camera's on there looking
forward and you know, just the banter,
the smiling they're reading the news
and pitching it to weather and sports.
We go to commercial.
They're turning swiveling chairs.
They're back to back just
off faces and crossed arms.
And we're counting down,
coming back from commercial.
And 5, 4, 3, 2.
And at one that just like quickly
swivel back and put on a smile.
And it was so funny to the rest
of us, like in the booth and
behind camera and really trying
not to laugh because we're all
Trey: like, listen, we can be funny
in an empty room, but let's make sure
to never be angry at him and empty.
Jude: Oh man.
That's so, you know what
I love about the episode.
I don't have to hide my eyes.
Oh, you still should.
no, you're right.
I should.
Trey: it's fine.
It's the meta episode.
I was just leaning back in my chair.
Your so it's going to sound
different from the microphone.
So yeah, we're a
Jude: mess.
We are 40 minutes in.
Trey: Should we call
Jude: it here?
Yeah, I think this is a good matter.
Uh, thank you for indulging us on this.
MedApp is very good for us.
Uh, I think a good way actually,
to end it might be a quick.
I don't say rundown because I don't
want to be married to what's coming
out, but just to just a few things
of what, what we have cooking.
Trey: Yeah.
And so I think I want to start here
as far as this isn't necessarily a
tentative schedule that we're going to
lease, but something we're trying to do,
and it's something we've always talked
that we're trying to do, but I think
being a little bit more transparent
about it here might help encourage.
If you're following us on social
media, you know, that we have been
trying to tie questions to the
episode that we are doing that week.
So for example, what you heard
at the beginning of this episode,
we were supposed to be talking
about the MCU villains and how
they fix their villain problem.
So we put out who's your
favorite NCU villain.
And although we're still going
to get to those responses,
whenever we do that episode fully.
I kind of wanted to set the stage of,
there might be this cadence where one week
we ask people on social media, you know, a
question pertaining to what we're going to
record, but if we're also bulk recording,
uh, we're going to be putting some call
outs at the end of those episodes as well.
So hopefully we can create this loop of
between people listening and the people
who were engaging on social media.
And I think.
It also will help alleviate
the, the realization on my part.
Like not, everybody's going to use
social media and that's totally fine.
We don't want to make them feel
like they have to, but it will
give them an opportunity to
maybe chime into the discord.
If it's people we know they can text us or
give them a chance to participate as well.
So be on the lookout for
those sorts of call-outs.
Jude: We do have.
With multi-verse madness
coming up by doc to Dr.
Strange episodes.
I think we're looking into doing one
just the movie itself and then kind
of a, what you need to know about Dr.
Strange, going in excited
about moon night indefinitely.
We've had talks about what's the
best way to finish up the capture
trilogy, uh, was civil war.
And maybe a trilogy showdown.
At some point I
Trey: think we even talked about
potentially doing something
related to Spiderman whenever that
hits, uh, the video on demand.
Uh, so yeah, that might be something
we're, uh, double-dipping in and as well.
Which by the way I, if I can have a quick
tangent within the tangent of an episode,
if you're paying attention to the feed,
we put out an episode at the beginning of
this year with TK, which was essentially
our top five scenes of the Marvel
cinematic universe in 2021, I should add.
And what I also did, what I pitched was
on that following Wednesday to do an
edit of that episode that took out all
the Spiderman, no way home references
and spoilers, so that somebody who had
not seen that movie yet could be able to
listen and get it on the fund without fear
of spoilers, just because I understood,
you know, with COVID and everything,
not everybody's comfortable going
back to the theaters, all that to say.
I don't think I ever gotten to properly
credit, uh, leech, uh, Lito for helping,
uh, because she listened to that episode
a few times to help comb through and
assure that there was no spoilers.
Um, so I just wanted to make
sure that I carved out time
to thank her for that as well.
Cause that was, uh, that
was greatly appreciated.
Jude: Yeah.
Well, you know what, I, there's a
number and I know we're winding it
down, so I'm not going to go, but
there are a number of people that.
Help us, you know, Nick, Sandy mentioned
every, all the time, leech as much
as we talk about Fran Daniel, the
conversations we have outside of that,
the, that helps us with the show.
Um, and some others that we could,
you know, definitely go to list on.
And I think that net gets wider
and wider as we meet more other,
uh, more other more podcasters.
But yes, at least for us, you know,
it's definitely not a forgotten
and much appreciated any help
we do receive on putting the
Trey: show together.
It's something we don't get to do
nearly enough, but if you're listening
one, if you're listening, thank you.
But two, if you're listening and you.
And you know who you are,
you've helped shape the show.
Thank you so much because, uh, it is, it
is, you know, we've always made that joke.
Like we wouldn't have been able to do
this if it wasn't between us and swapping
the edits week to week, as this continues
to grow, that is, uh, of further support
system, uh, that we were thankful for.
Jude: Great.
Take us out.
Trey: All right.
Well, uh, like you said, I think this is
going to be a good place to wrap it up.
Uh, so I mentioned social media, if
you're not already make sure you're
following us at MC you need to
know both on Twitter and Instagram.
Uh, we've been doing great work
to put up quotes from the show.
Uh, I say quotes are more audio.
Uh, we've been doing questions for
people to chime in both pertaining
to the episode and things that
may be in the episode as well.
Uh, and once we get going again with moon
night, uh, we're going to be doing some
things where you can help shape the show
by picking titles and, uh, voting on which
one you think should be our podcast title.
Jude: Yeah.
In the meantime, share
with a friend, uh, or.
Let's go down to the bottom,
give us a rating and review.
I believe apple podcasts does that.
Uh, so to Spotify and some
others, but those are.
Um, two of the more prominent
ones, um, which is weird, cause
I had two of the prominent ones,
not even one of you for listening.
Uh, so, so if you don't listen on
those, we know you're out there.
Uh, but yeah, and also of course,
click on the discord, come join us,
have wonderful conversations with
others on a variety of, of topics.
And you might find that.
Broadcasters in there from the caption
life and OCI podcast, TK from there was
an idea pops in every once in a while.
So yeah.
Come join us.
Talk him.
See you talk other things
Trey: daily Wordle.
Jude: Yes.
As long as it's still
not behind a paywall.
Trey: Yeah.
We'd also like to thank Nick Sandy for
the use of our theme song, which is
his rendition of the Avengers theme.
You can find more of his work
on the SoundCloud at which is
linked in the show notes as well.
Well, that's going to do it.
Thank you so much for listening and Jude.
Thank you so much for doing this.
Jude: We'll see you all next week.
Trey: That's not bad for
not wanting to do a medic.
Jude: Not going to do a meta episode.
Oh, my God.
It was just enough.
Trey: It was, it was that's how it works.
I mean, they, you never plan them.
You just feel them.
And my in credibly weird need to find
new ways to reinvent the Metta FSA.
We're just say reinvent.
It's just new ways to kick it off.
Jude: Yeah.
So do we choose a theme song twice?
Yes, of course.
Trey: You can hear how precious it is to
me and the way I just said, of course.
Jude: Yeah.
Oh, real.
Trey: All right.
Well I think that's it.
Creators and Guests

As always, share with a friend
and shout out Nick Sandy