What If...? T’Challa Review S1E2: A Ravager Never Flies Solo

T'Challa's influence extends across the galaxy in last week's What If episode, and we're back with another podcast to talk it! It's efficient.
T'Challa's influence extends across the galaxy in last week's What If episode, and we're back with another podcast to talk it! It's efficient. 

If you're looking to have what we've seen in episode two of What If...? discussed, you're in the right place! The most important topics of this episode are:

  • The Choice
  • T'Challa the Explorer 
  • The New Ravagers
  • Heist at the Collector's 
  • Family Reunion 
  • Stray Thoughts
This episode is spoiler free until 11:52

This Episode We Referenced:
MCU Rewind's Theory About the Sacred Timeline 

Transcripts are available on the episode's page here! The transcripts are generated through Descript.

Don't forget you can follow us on Twitter or Instagram to let us know what you think about What If...? or this episode! We're also sharing extra end tags not used in the episode, so if you want more extras, follow us below!

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Instagram: @MCUNeedtoknow

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If you want to follow Jude you can find them here!
Twitter: @Jhubbit
Instagram: @Jhubbit

If you want to follow Trey you can find them here!
Twitter: @TheTapStream

Also would like to give a special thanks to Nick Sandy for the use of our theme song! You can find more of his work here!

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This episode was recorded with Audition and edited by

Creators and Guests

Jude (Hubbit)
Jude (Hubbit)
Catholic | Still trying to make sense of things | Co-host of @MCUNeedtoKnow Podcast | mcuneedtoknow@gmail.com
Trey Solis
Trey Solis
One day I woke up painfully aware of my existence and I’ve been apologizing for it ever since.
Join our Discord here
As always, share with a friend
and shout out Nick Sandy